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"Atlantic ~20-30, BC ~60"
Population Unit
fish per farm per sampling
Surveillance Start Date
Surveillance End Date
Project End Date

Sea-Lice Monitoring and Non-Chemical Measures

"This report outlines the sampling design protocols for on-farm sea lice monitoring, including: number of fish to be sampled, identification of sea lice, number of samples, handling of fish etc. & program design for on-farm sea lice monitoring, including: frequency of sampling, timing, environmental factors to be considered, sea lice dynamics, etc. Nationally, two objectives are being addressed through on-farm sea lice monitoring, depending on location. On the Pacific coast, the objective is to maintain a farm level sea lice load below a threshold of 3 motile (pre-adult and adult) L. salmonis per fish during the general period of wild pink and chum salmon smolt seaward migration (March - end of June). This threshold was originally established while research was undertaken to evaluate the effects of sea lice on wild juvenile salmon. On the Atlantic coast, the objective of on-farm sea lice monitoring is early detection of sea lice infestation and treatment of the farmed salmon. Assessment informs veterinarians of the potential requirement for immediate treatment of the cage, farm and/or management area."