CAHSS Companion Animal Network

Studies have shown that pet ownership provides positive effects to owners, including but not limited to improving their quality of life and mental health; however, pets can also be disease reservoirs.  This is especially true because 75% of emerging infectious diseases of human concern originate from animals.  There is a need for a coordinated national group to bring information together on companion animal health and surveillance across Canada.

see what is new with companion animal health in Canada

Hexagon shaped network logo with a blue outline of a cat and a dog

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) and Cats

Information for veterinarians in regards to cats and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.
Hexagon shaped network logo with a blue outline of a cat and a dog

Must Know Facts About Canine Distemper

Infographic produced by the Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System (CAHSS), the Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN), and other subject matter experts. The two page infographic provides a summary of canine distemper (CD), signs of infection, and prevention strategies. Canine distemper is a vaccine preventable disease.
Hexagon shaped podcast logo with a blue outline of a microphone

Animal Health Insights

A podcast series from CAHSS has been a useful tool to connect producers, veterinarians and pet owners on topics of animal health, disease surveillance and disease management practices across Canada.

Companion Animal Webinar Series

Webinar presented on June 18 2024. Covers foundational epidemiological and clinical aspects of canine leishmaniosis, including emerging trends in Canada. A panel of three experts will provide answers to questions commonly asked by Canadian small animal practitioners on diagnosis, treatment, and management. Speakers include several CAHSS Companion Animal network members, Drs. Christopher Fernandez-Prada, Guadalupe Miro, Scott Weese, and Sydney DeWinter.


Webinar presented on March 7, 2022 with Dr. Tasha Epp as a keynote speaker, with a cross-Canada update from Drs. Dale Douma, Hussein Keshwani, Joanne Tataryn, Mary Vanderkop, Maureen Anderson, and Nicole Wanamaker.

Other Resources

Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) resource with Noémie Summa, DVM, IPSAV, dipl. ACZM, veterinarian specialized in exotic animals, providing an update on rabbit hemorrhagic disease. Video in French only, turn on English captions under 'CC' in the bottom right menu