Name Sample Size (Year) Unit Surveillance Start Date Surveillance End Date Project End Date Summary Report URL Website URL External Reference URL Documents URL Type (Project/Program) Surveillance type Animal type Disease agent Disease agent type Organization Other organization Region Production system Topic Media Type
H3N2 Canine Influenza <200 (2018) animals 12/1/2017 10/1/2018 10/1/2019 "Monitoring H3N2 Canine Influenza in Ontario using voluntary testing. Disease was first reported in Q1 2018, with additional cluster in Q4 2018. Outbreaks have been associated with imported rescue dogs from Asia." Active Dog Influenza Virus Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) N/A Ontario Emerging Report
Rabies in Ontario 490 (2019) 12/16/2015 ongoing ongoing Rabies program for Ontario. OMAFRA manages domestic animals. OMHRF manages surveillance testing and wildlife vaccination by baiting. Passive Bat | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Equine | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Sheep and Goats | Swine Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) Virus Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale | Freeliving | Captive Regulated Website
Canadian Pet Tick Survey 4/1/2019 3/1/2020 unknown Sentinel veterinary clinics across Canada are enrolled in tick surveillance study to monitor ticks and tick-borne disease risks in companion animals. Passive Cat | Dog | Equine N/A Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Virus Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) N/A Canada-wide Vector/Vector-borne Website
Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) Cattle 1/1/2002 ongoing ongoing "CIPARS surveillance for AMR in cattle occurs on farm, at abattoir and from retail meat. On farm, pooled fecal samples are collected from cattle that are close to market weight. Feedlot beef samples are cultured for Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter. Caecal samples collected at abattoirs are cultured for E. coli, and Campylobacter. Retail meat samples are cultured for E. Coli. Samples positive for E. coli and Salmonella are tested for resistance to Aminoglycosides, Beta-Lactams, Folate pathway inhibitors, Macrolides, Phenicols, Quinolones, and Tetracyclines. Samples positive for Campylobacter are tested for resistance to Aminoglycosides, Ketolides, Lincosamides, Macrolides, Phenicols, Quinolones, and Tetracyclines." Active Campylobacter | E. coli | Fowl typhoid (Salmonella gallinarum) Bacteria Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) N/A Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | Ontario | Quebec | Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Report
Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS)Swine 1/1/2002 ongoing ongoing "CIPARS surveillance for AMR in swine occurs on farm, at abattoir and from retail meat. Farm Samples are collected in BC, AB, SK, ON, and QC. On farm, pooled fecal samples are collected from swine that are close to market weight throughout the year. Samples are cultured for Salmonella and E. coli. Caecal samples collected at abattoirs are cultured for Salmonella, E. coli, and Campylobacter. Retail meat samples are cultured for E. coli and Salmonella. Salmonella are isolated from pork mainly to provide recovery estimates from this commodity for other Public Health Agency of Canada programs. Because the prevalence of Salmonella in pork is low, antimicrobial susceptibility results are not presented on an annual basis but are pooled and presented over a multi-year period in the interest of precision. Recovery of Campylobacter from pork is not attempted because of the low prevalence observed in the initial stages of Retail Meat Surveillance. Samples positive for Salmonella or E. coli are tested for resistance to Aminoglycosides, Beta-Lactams, Folate pathway inhibitors, Macrolides, Phenicols, Quinolones, and Tetracyclines. Samples positive for Campylobacter are tested for resistance to Aminoglycosides, Ketolides, Lincosamides, Macrolides, Phenicols, Quinolones, and Tetracyclines." Active Swine Campylobacter | E. coli | Fowl typhoid (Salmonella gallinarum) Bacteria Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) N/A Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | Ontario | Quebec | Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Report
Characterizing the spatial patterns of chronic wasting disease susceptibility in white-tailed deer 631 animals 1/1/2002 12/1/2017 8/31/2019 Project to monitor the spatial patterns of Chronic wasting disease (CWD) in districts bordering Ontario Active Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion N/A Ontario Freeliving Regulated Report
Animal health visit to sheep and goat farms =<152 animals 6/1/2019 unknown Education for small ruminant breeders and veterinarians on integrated parasitism management. Active Sheep and Goats N/A Ecto-parasite Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting Website
Engaging Ontario Beekeepers to Monitor Varroa Mites in their Honey Bee Colonies 9/1/2018 11/1/2019 Surveillance for varroa mite in Ontario honeybees. Education for beekeepers on testing and treatment. Passive Honeybee Varroa mite Ecto-parasite | Zoonosis Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) N/A Ontario N/A Emerging | Regulated Report
Surveillance of resistance in varroa destructor mite populations to synthetic acaricides in Ontario 130 colonies 1/1/2018 12/1/2019 Surveillance for resistance in varroa mites to synthetic acaricides (pesticides) in Ontario. Active Honeybee Varroa mite Ecto-parasite Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) N/A Ontario N/A Emerging | Regulated Website
Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) Dairy Veterinary Antimicrobial Sales Benchmarking 68 Herds 1/1/2018 11/1/2019 Surveillance of sales patterns and use of medically important antimicrobials in Ontario dairy cattle. Passive N/A Bacteria Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Website
Parasitism in grazing cattle in Ontario Unknown 1/1/2020 Study to determine the level of parasitism seen in Ontario and to elucidate the type of parasites most frequently seen in grazing cattle. Passive N/A Ecto-parasite Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting Report | Website
Brucella canis in commercial dog breeding kennels in southern Ontario 1056 animals 4/1/2019 12/1/2019 Study to determine prevalence of Brucella canis in dog breeding kennels in Ontario. Active Dog | Equine Brucella Bacteria Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) N/A Ontario Emerging | Regulated | Zoonotic Report | Website
Echinococcus multilocularis Infection, Southern Ontario, Canada 460 animals 1/1/2015 2/1/2019 "A study on the prevalence of the fox tapeworm, Echinococcus multilocularis, in wild canids in Southern Ontario." Project Active Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Echinococcus Ecto-parasite Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) N/A Ontario Freeliving Emerging | Zoonotic Report | Website
The Canadian Cow-Calf Surveillance Network 175 Herds Unknown 3/1/2023 3/1/2023 "Monitoring herd productivity, welfare practices, health, nutrition and biosecurity in beef cow-calf herds across Canada. Data is collected through regular surveys." Active N/A N/A Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Newfoundland and Labrador | Nova Scotia | Ontario | Prince Edward Island | Quebec | Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Biosecurity | Endemic | Production-limiting Website
Establishing a long term surveillance network to support Canadian beef cattle research 100 Herds 1/1/2014 12/1/2017 12/1/2018 "Project to provide benchmarking productivity data, estimates of the prevalence of production limiting diseases, and to evaluate various management practices such as antimicrobial use, animal welfare practices and biosecurity practices in beef cow-calf herds across Canada." Active N/A N/A Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A Alberta | Manitoba | Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Biosecurity | Endemic | Production-limiting Website
Identification of genetic and microbial markers for E. coli 0157 super-shedders through longitudinal biopsy and monitoring 1000 animals 1/1/2018 3/1/2022 3/1/2022 Project to determine what causes some cattle to be super shedders and recommend improved techniques to mitigate E. coli O157 in beef cattle. Active E. coli Bacteria University of Alberta N/A Alberta Commercial large-scale Zoonotic Website
Assessing economic impacts and developing models for evidence-based decision support systems for sustainable parasitic roundworm control in Canadian beef cattle 1000 animals (40 herds) 1/1/2018 12/1/2020 3/1/2022 "Project to investigate the production impact of roundworms, and the seasonal patterns of pasture contamination in commercial stocker beef cattle herds in Western Canada. Researchers will parameterize, test, and refine the GLOWORM-FL predictive model." Active N/A Ecto-parasite University of Calgary N/A Alberta | Manitoba | Ontario | Quebec | Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting Website
Identification of treatment strategies for the most common causes of lameness in feedlot cattle 432 animals 3/1/2023 Project to assess the efficacy of commonly used antimicrobial and non-antimicrobial treatments for the treatment of digital dermatitis and toe tip necrosis in beef cow-calf herds across Canada. Active N/A N/A Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A N/A Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Endemic | Production-limiting Website
Investigating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and virulence factors of Mycoplasma bovis 100/250 animals/isolates 3/1/2022 Project to gain a better understanding of Mycoplasma bovis and how it manifests itself in beef cow-calf herds across Canada. Active Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides) Bacteria Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A N/A Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Website
Characterizing the microbiome of beef cattle to identify risk factors that affect respiratory health "~4,325" animals 3/1/2023 "Project to characterize the bovine nasopharyngeal microbiota from birth to weaning and define animal, management, and environmental elements that influence the nasopharyngeal microbiota of and how those elements correlate with animal health." Active Bovine herpesvirus | Bovine respiratory syncytial virus | Bovine viral diarrhea virus | Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides) | Coronavirus | Histophilus | Mannheimia | Parainfluenza Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Virus Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) N/A Alberta Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Endemic Website
Avian Influenza Virus 1844 animals (2019) 6/27/1905 ongoing ongoing "In 2005 the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) developed a national surveillance program for avian influenza among wild bird populations. Since then they continue to lead a multi-agency surveillance program in partnership with provincial/territorial governments, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Public Health Agency of Canada and Environment Canada. " Active Avian (Non-domestic) Influenza Virus N/A Canada-wide Freeliving Emerging | Endemic | Production-limiting | Regulated | Zoonotic Website
Bat white nose syndrome 187 animals (2019) 1/1/2008 ongoing ongoing "Since 2008 the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) has been conducting regular surveillance for the detection of white-nose syndrome and is involved in several research projects to better understand the disease and its spread. The CWHC is working with a range of partners to better understand this syndrome, to inform others, and determine what can be done to slow its advance and ensure bats continue to be an important part of the environment. " Active Bat White nose syndrome N/A Canada-wide Freeliving Emerging Website
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) 2070 animals 1/1/1997 ongoing ongoing "Beginning in 1997, the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (MOE) started a Chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance program for wild deer, elk and moose. This surveillance program was based primarily on the testing of hunter-harvested animals and to a lesser extent on the testing of sick or dead cervids. The program ended in 2012 with over 45 000 heads tested and a total of 387 positives from 20 Wildlife Management Zones. The CWHC continues to test cervids that are submitted through our diagnostic program and we have continued to diagnose CWD in new areas. Starting in 2006 the CWHC embarked on a research program in Saskatchewan with the aid of PrioNet and the MOE to look at factors affecting the spread of CWD. Phase I of the project focused on direct and indirect contact rates, habitat selection, long distance movements and survival trends as they relate to CWD. Phase II which began in 2009 focused on direct observations of mule deer and their use of environmental sites to determine risk of infection by CWD. " Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion N/A Saskatchewan Freeliving Emerging | Regulated Website
West Nile Virus 220/1081 examined/tested 1/1/2009 ongoing ongoing "The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) coordinated a national surveillance project to monitor WNV in birds across Canada from 2001 until 2012. Since then, monitoring has continued as part of our ongoing surveillance efforts, with approximately 300 birds per year being tested for WNV since 2009. " Passive Avian (Non-domestic) West nile virus Virus N/A Canada-wide Freeliving Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic Website
Trichomoniasis 76 animals Unknown ongoing ongoing "Trichomoniasis (also known as trichomonoses) is an infectious disease caused by the microscopic parasite Trichomonas gallinae. It is a well documented illness in many bird species, primarily pigeons and doves (commonly known as canker) and raptors (commonly known as frounce), but also in passerine birds, particularly finches. The parasite inhabits the upper digestive tract, mainly the crop and esophagus, but it may also infect the liver, lungs, air sacs, internal lining of the body, pancreas and bones and sinuses of the skull. Trichomonosis was first documented in wild birds in Atlantic Canada in 2007, and it has been encountered regularly in the purple finch and American goldfinch populations in the region since that time. The reason for the emergence of trichomonosis in finches is uncertain, although there is some evidence that backyard bird feeding and watering might be involved in the transmission of the disease." Passive Avian (Non-domestic) Bovine trichomoniasis (Tritrichomonas foetus) Ecto-parasite N/A Canada-wide Freeliving Emerging Website
Rabies in Quebec ongoing "In conjunction with the government of Quebec and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) is involved in a surveillance program designed to detect and monitor the spread of the raccoon rabies virus variant in the province of Quebec. Several rabid raccoons and striped skunks have been detected as a result of this program. Results of this surveillance program have helped to target areas for control measures such as rabies vector density reductions and vaccination programs involving wild raccoons. In addition, public prevention campaigns can be directed toward regions where this zoonosis is most prevalent." Active | Passive Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) Virus N/A Quebec Freeliving Zoonotic Website
Avian Botulism ongoing "Surveillance for avian botulism has, over time, required the combined efforts of personnel from the Canadian Wildlife Service, Parks Canada, Ontario Provincial Parks, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and members of the public. The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) continues to encourage all of these groups to report unusual occurrences of avian mortality around the shores of the lower Great Lakes and facilitates post mortem testing. Since this disease first appeared on the lower Great Lakes in 1998, the CWHC has been involved in cooperative efforts to monitor for the occurrence of suspected botulism events and to diagnostically confirm the presence of Type E botulism. The ecological factors that drive the occurrence of Type E botulism remain poorly understood, which means that maintaining surveillance is important as we seek to learn more about these ecological drivers." Passive Avian (Non-domestic) Botulism (Clostridium botulinum) Bacteria N/A Ontario Freeliving Emerging | Endemic Website
Bovine Tuberculosis Unknown unknown ongoing The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) conducts surveillance for tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) across Canada through post mortem examinations of animals with case presentations that are compatible with the disease. Passive Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) Bacteria N/A Canada-wide Freeliving Regulated Website
Avian Cholera Unknown unknown ongoing The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) conducts surveillance for avian cholera (Pasteurella multocida) across Canada through post mortem examinations of animals with case presentations that are compatible with the disease. Passive Avian (Non-domestic) Fowl cholera (Pasteurella multocida) Bacteria N/A Canada-wide Freeliving Endemic | Regulated Website
Canine Distemper Virus Unknown unknown ongoing "The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) conducts scanning surveillance for canine distemper (morbillivirus) across Canada through post mortem examinations of animals with case presentations that are compatible with the disease. Although the virus potentially exists in natural populations across Canada, the majority of wildlife cases that have tested positive by the CWHC are from Ontario and Quebec. Current research also suggests that co-infections with rabies and distemper commonly occur in wildlife. " Passive Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Distemper Virus N/A Canada-wide Freeliving Endemic Website
National Surveillance for Aquatic Animal Diseases Unknown unknown ongoing "The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) conducts, in collaboration with other groups, ongoing surveillance for finfish and mollusc diseases across Canada." Active Crustacean | Crustacean; Mollusc | Finfish N/A N/A Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide N/A Regulated Website
Juvenile Salmon and Sea Lice Monitoring in Clayoquot Sound 2018 1374 fish unknown ongoing Ongoing "Project to monitor abundance and prevalence of sea lice during outward migration of juvenile salmon in the near shore environment monitoring in Clayoquot sound. Sampling took place from Mar 1st to Aug 16th, 2019. In 2019, as in 2018, juvenile salmon were exposed to high levels of sea lice. " Active Finfish Ecto-parasite Cedar Coast Field Station N/A British Columbia Freeliving Emerging | Endemic Report | Website
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Enhanced Surveillance Program 26307 (2019) animals 1/1/1992 Ongoing ongoing "Program for national bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) surveillance. Surveillance for BSE was initiated in 1992. In 2003, the Government announced that the number of annual BSE samples tested through this program would be increased. The level and design of BSE testing in Canada has always been, and continues to be, in full accordance with the guidelines recommended by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Surveillance is one of many BSE-related actions Canada has implemented to manage BSE. The program tests a sample of animals from the national cattle herd and focuses on higher-risk animals that are most likely to be affected by the disease. The surveillance program's objectives are to determine and monitor the level of BSE present in Canada and to confirm the effectiveness of the suite of measures Canada has implemented to protect human and animal health from the disease." Active Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Prion Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Bovine Surveillance System (BSS) ~3000 animals unknown ongoing ongoing "The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) uses both new and historical data in bovine surveillance system activities. These sources include periodic surveys, abattoir surveillance, targeted surveillance, and testing through the import/export and artificial insemination programs. Under the bovine surveillance system, information is regularly collected and analyzed to assess the status of brucellosis and bluetongue in Canadian cattle. Large periodic surveys are conducted every three to five years." Active | Passive Bovine Brucella Bacteria | Virus Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Rabies in Canada 3369 (2019) animals 1/1/1998 ongoing ongoing "Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) national rabies surveillance program. Rabies is a reportable disease under the Health of Animals Act. All suspect cases in any animal must be reported to the province for follow-up. All suspect rabies cases are verified at a Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) rabies laboratory. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) collects and updates rabies submissions and cases on the 28th day of each month or the first business day thereafter. In Canada, the animals that most often transmits rabies are bats, skunks, and foxes." Passive Bat | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Equine | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Sheep and Goats | Swine Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) Virus Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale | Freeliving | Captive Regulated Website
Swine Disease Surveillance animals unknown ongoing ongoing "The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) conducts enhanced surveillance for porcine brucellosis, trichinellosis, and pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease). This initiative is in partnership with the swine industry and provincial and territorial authorities. Historically, Canada has conducted periodic, large-scale surveys for these three diseases. Those surveys have always demonstrated that Canada is free of these diseases. Under the enhanced surveillance system, serum samples from mature animals at Canadian slaughter facilities are regularly collected and tested. Additional sample collection points will be identified as the surveillance system is further developed and implemented." Active Swine Brucella | Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) | Trichinella Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Virus Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
The National Scrapie Surveillance Program animals unknown ongoing ongoing "The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and several provincial agricultural ministries have launched a surveillance program to detect scrapie in sheep and goats. Producers can have mature deadstock and mature animals exhibiting the following signs or symptoms: 1) Unexpected weight loss, 2) Problems standing or walking, 3) Changes in behaviour tested for scrapie." ; Passive Sheep and Goats Scrapie Prion Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Bovine Tuberculosis in British Columbia animals Unknown ongoing ongoing "The BC Wildlife Health Program, in collaboration with partners (First Nations, the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)), is conducting bovine tuberculosis testing on hunter-harvested deer to monitor for bovine tuberculosis in a localized area of the B.C. interior: Management Units 3-12, 3-19, 3-20. To date, bovine tuberculosis has not been detected in BC wildlife. " Passive Cervid Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) Bacteria BC Government N/A British Columbia Freeliving Regulated Website
National Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Program Unknown ongoing ongoing "Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a reportable disease under the Health of Animals Act. This means that all suspected cases must be reported to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). When it is reported, the CFIA follows a strict testing and eradication program. Because 95 percent of all commercial cattle slaughtered are sent to a federal abattoir, the CFIA also conducts abattoir surveillance system to look for bTB." Active Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) Bacteria Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Herds infected with chronic wasting disease in Canada Unknown ongoing ongoing "The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) works with provincial governments and industry to conduct regular Chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance. Ongoing provincial surveillance for CWD varies with each particular province's perceived threat and infection status. Testing is mandatory in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Quebec and the Yukon; it is voluntary elsewhere." Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Freeliving | Captive Regulated Website
Alberta Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) surveillance and response 1/1/1996 ongoing ongoing Alberta began Chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance in the farmed and wild cervid populations in 1996. The surveillance program for wild cervids is based largely on voluntary submission by hunters. Submission of deer heads from some areas (eastern Alberta from Cold Lake to the U.S. border) is mandatory. Program Active | Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) N/A Alberta Freeliving | Captive Regulated Website
Alberta Mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Surveillance Program 1/1/2002 ongoing ongoing The Alberta Mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Surveillance Program requires CWD testing of all captive cervids one year of age and older that die from any cause. This program was instituted in 2002 at the request of Alberta's farmed cervid industry and is maintained by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD).$Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/cpv13619/$FILE/alberta_cwd_mandatory_surveillance_program_april_27_2011.pdf Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion N/A Alberta Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Ontario Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Surveillance 1/1/2003 ongoing ongoing Voluntary submission of hunter-harvested for Chronic wasting disease (CWD) testing. Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) N/A Ontario Freeliving Regulated Website
Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance and Testing (BC) 1/1/2002 ongoing ongoing "Since 2002, the BC Wildlife Health Program has tested over 3900 cervids for Chronic wasting disease (CWD) and the disease has not yet been detected in BC. Voluntary submission of hunter-harvested deer in most parts of BC, but mandatory for all white-tailed and mule deer harvested September 1st, 2019 to November 30th, 2019 in Management Units 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6 and 4-7." Program Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion BC Government N/A British Columbia Freeliving Regulated Website
Sea-Lice Monitoring and Non-Chemical Measures "Atlantic ~20-30, BC ~60" fish per farm per sampling "This report outlines the sampling design protocols for on-farm sea lice monitoring, including: number of fish to be sampled, identification of sea lice, number of samples, handling of fish etc. & program design for on-farm sea lice monitoring, including: frequency of sampling, timing, environmental factors to be considered, sea lice dynamics, etc. Nationally, two objectives are being addressed through on-farm sea lice monitoring, depending on location. On the Pacific coast, the objective is to maintain a farm level sea lice load below a threshold of 3 motile (pre-adult and adult) L. salmonis per fish during the general period of wild pink and chum salmon smolt seaward migration (March - end of June). This threshold was originally established while research was undertaken to evaluate the effects of sea lice on wild juvenile salmon. On the Atlantic coast, the objective of on-farm sea lice monitoring is early detection of sea lice infestation and treatment of the farmed salmon. Assessment informs veterinarians of the potential requirement for immediate treatment of the cage, farm and/or management area." Active Finfish Ecto-parasite Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) N/A British Columbia | New Brunswick | Newfoundland and Labrador | Nova Scotia Commercial large-scale Emerging | Endemic Report
Superbugs in imported Foods "The project tests imported plant and meat products for antimicrobial resistance. The goal is to show whether these bacteria might move from countries with high prevalence of these ‘superbugs’ to countries with low prevalence such as Canada via imported foods, and to show whether these bacteria contain antibiotic resistance genes that can be transmitted to other susceptible bacteria" Active N/A E. coli | Enterococcus | Staphylococcus Bacteria Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A Canada-wide N/A Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Website
Resistant E. coli causing canine urinary tract infections 10/1/2013 unknown unknown This project tests E. coli cultures from canine urine samples submitted to Prairie Diagnostic Services (PDS) for antimicrobial resistance including extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) resistance. Passive Dog E. coli Bacteria Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A Saskatchewan Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Website
Vancouver rat project hundreds animals Unknown unknown unknown "A team of researchers with the Vancouver Rat Project conducted serological and post mortem testing on hundreds of Norway rats from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. It was found that rats with severe illnesses, from heart disease and respiratory infections to major lesions such as tumors and abscesses or broken bones, and those with bite wounds, were more likely to carry Leptospira bacteria." Active Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Leptospirosis Bacteria University of Calgary N/A British Columbia Freeliving Emerging | Endemic Website
Echinococcus in coyotes and foxes Unknown unknown unknown "Recent studies of coyotes, foxes, and rodents in the province have found a high incidence of Echinococcus multilocularis infected wild animals in areas across Alberta, including urban off-leash dog parks in Calgary. The infection is spread through the feces of coyotes and foxes that have eaten infected rodents." Active Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Echinococcus Ecto-parasite University of Calgary N/A Alberta Freeliving Emerging Website
Testing of Salmonella Dublin in dairy herds Unknown unknown unknown Project to improve testing methods to increase accuracy in identifying which cows carry Salmonella Dublin. Active Salmonella Dublin Bacteria Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A N/A Commercial large-scale Food safety | Zoonotic Website
Lung consolidation in dairy calves 215 animals (3 herds) Unknown unknown unknown Project monitoring calves over eight weeks of age using thoracic ultrasound to look for pneumonia and lung consolidation and linking this to herd health factors to determine why some calves grow and perform better than others. Active N/A Bacteria Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Production-limiting Website
Covid-19 in cats, dogs and ferrets Unknown unknown unknown "A study to look at Covid-19 in companion animals. Veterinarians collect nasal, throat, rectal and fur swabs samples from pets from households where someone has recently tested positive for COVID-19, or are displaying respiratory symptoms. " Passive Cat | Dog Coronavirus Virus Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) N/A N/A Emerging Website
Wildlife health surveillance 5/1/2019 unknown unknown A wildlife health tracking website, developed by the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) designed to make it easier for the public and groups interested in wildlife health to report sick and dead wild animals. Currently available in Ontario, and eventually across Canada. Passive Mammalian (Non-domestic other) N/A Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Virus Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) N/A Ontario Freeliving Emerging | Zoonotic Website
Antimicrobial use and resistance (AMR/AMU) best practices in dairy Unknown unknown unknown A project to measure antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in relation to animal health in support of a Canadian Dairy Network of Antimicrobial Stewardship and Resistance to help guide farmers in best practices. Active N/A Bacteria Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) N/A N/A Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Website
Moose winter tick surveillance 512 Surveys 7/5/1905 ongoing ongoing A program to encourage the public and wildlife to report winter ticks (Dermacentor albopictus) in BC in order to document and map the distribution of winter tick in moose and estimate the severity of winter tick infestations within moose populations across the province. Passive Cervid Ecto-parasite BC Government N/A British Columbia Freeliving Vector/Vector-borne Website
Boreal Caribou health research program 7/5/1905 unknown unknown "The boreal caribou health research program was created to: 1) Address gaps in what we know about the current health status of boreal caribou in Northeastern BC, 2) Find out if poor health was part of the reason why more caribou than expected have died in Northeastern B.C., 3) Provide health-related recommendations to B.C.’s boreal caribou management programs" Active Cervid N/A Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Virus BC Government N/A British Columbia Freeliving Emerging Website
British Columbia canine leptospirosis surveillance 1/1/2018 unknown unknown The BC Ministry of Agriculture’s Animal Health Centre (AHC) Laboratory in co-operation with True North Veterinary Diagnostics Inc. and IDEXX are generating surveillance data on laboratory confirmed or suspect cases of canine leptospirosis in BC. This surveillance data is available at the Reportable and Notifiable Diseases section of the AHC’s website. Passive Dog Leptospirosis Bacteria BC Government N/A British Columbia Regulated Report
West Nile Virus in horses surveillance (Alberta) 82 "cases (2018, as of Oct 22, 2018)" 1/1/2003 ongoing ongoing "West Nile Virus surveillance program in horses in the province of Alberta. WNV is a notifiable disease in horses, donkeys and mules in Alberta." Passive Equine West nile virus Virus Alberta Government N/A Alberta N/A Vector/Vector-borne Website
Swine delta coronavirus (SDCV) - Reportable Unknown unknown unknown Ongoing surveillance activities being conducted in partnership between the Alberta government and the pork industry for Swine delta coronavirus (SDCV). The virus has been detected on a few samples from pig-handling facilities in Alberta. Active Swine Swine delta coronavirus Virus Alberta Government N/A Alberta Commercial large-scale Emerging | Production-limiting Website
Tick surveillance (Alberta) 2208 ticks 1/1/2007 ongoing ongoing "Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services conduct a surveillance program for ticks, monitoring the type and number of ticks that attach to companion animals, livestock and humans, and also those found in the environment. " Passive Avian (Domestic Non-poultry) | Cat | Dog | Equine | Human | Sheep and Goats | Swine Borrelia Ecto-parasite Alberta Government N/A Alberta Commercial large-scale Vector/Vector-borne Website
Hay-Zama bison herd surveillance 375 "licences (tags, 2016/2017)" 1/1/2008 ongoing ongoing "Monitoring of the Hay-Zama wood bison herd for bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) and brucellosis (Brucella abortus) in order to maintain disease-free status, control the herd size, provide opportunity for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal hunters and reduce human/animal conflict" Passive Bison Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) Bacteria Alberta Government N/A Alberta Freeliving Emerging Website
Alberta swine disease monitoring ~3000 samples/year Unknown ongoing ongoing "Alberta Pork, working with partners in government and industry, performs routine swine disease monitoring across the province through an environmental surveillance program for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED). The goal of the program is to help protect the Alberta pork industry by identifying and mitigating swine disease risks. Surveillance involves routine sample collection, with a focus on high-traffic areas where pigs are moved. The frequency of sampling at specific sites depends on the number of animals moved through those sites. Through this program, nearly 250 samples are collected every month in Alberta from more than a dozen assembly yards, processing facilities and truck washes." Active Swine Porcine epidemic diarrhea Bacteria | Virus Alberta Government N/A Alberta Commercial large-scale Emerging | Production-limiting Website
Chronic wasting disease testing in game farmed animals Unknown unknown ongoing "Saskatchewan Chronic wasting disease (CWD) program. All deaths of cervids over 12 months of age, from any cause including slaughter, must be reported to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture within 24 hours of discovery. Samples may be tested for chronic wasting disease. " Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion Saskatchewan Government N/A Saskatchewan Freeliving | Captive Regulated Website
Saskatchewan West Nile virus surveillance 200 mosquitoes (2019) Unknown unknown ongoing "The government of Saskatchewan performs weekly surveillance and reporting for West Nile virus in horses, crows and other animals from June to September of each year. " Active Avian (Non-domestic) | Equine | Human West nile virus Virus Saskatchewan Government N/A Saskatchewan N/A Vector/Vector-borne Website
Saskatchewan swine surveillance (PED, SDCoV, TGE) 600 samples 2016 1/1/2014 ongoing unknown "The Ministry of Agriculture is monitoring the environment of several high-traffic sites in Saskatchewan for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PED), Swine Delta coronavirus and Transmissible Gastroenteritis virus. These sites are sampled weekly, and testing is done at Prairie Diagnostic Services in Saskatoon using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test developed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The Ministry also contacts Sask Pork to conduct additional surveillance testing around the province." Active Swine Porcine epidemic diarrhea | Swine delta coronavirus | Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE coronavirus) Virus Saskatchewan Government N/A Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (CARSS) Unknown ongoing unknown "The Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (CARSS) is Canada’s national system for reporting on antimicrobial resistance in humans, food sources, and food-producing animals." Active N/A N/A Bacteria Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) N/A Canada-wide N/A Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Website
Manitoba porcine epidemic diarrhea virus surveillance through environmental testing Unknown ongoing ongoing "A voluntary Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) testing program is ongoing at high-traffic sites that move or handle large numbers of pigs, including livestock assembly yards, federal and provincial abattoirs, truck-wash stations and livestock trailers. As of May 5, 2020, 38,942 samples have been submitted for PED testing from 20 high-traffic sites." Active Swine Porcine epidemic diarrhea Virus Manitoba Government N/A Manitoba Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Manitoba provincial rabies management program 30 animals 4/1/2014 ongoing ongoing Rabies program in Manitoba. Passive Bat | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Equine | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Sheep and Goats | Swine Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) Virus Manitoba Government N/A Manitoba Commercial large-scale | Freeliving | Captive Regulated Website
Manitoba Wildlife Disease - Submission of Biological Samples Unknown Unknown ongoing Mandatory submission of hunter-harvested white-tailed deer samples in GHAs 23 and 23A (Riding Mountain area) (within 48 hours from the time of kill) for testing for XXXXX. Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Bacteria | Prion Manitoba Government N/A Manitoba Freeliving Emerging | Regulated Website
Manitoba West Nile Virus Surveillance 5/1/2003 ongoing ongoing "Permanent mosquito traps are set up in 28 community areas in southern Manitoba to monitor Culex tarsalis mosquitoes, the mosquitoes that are most likely to transmit West Nile virus to humans in Manitoba. " Active Insect (Non-honeybee) West nile virus Virus Manitoba Government N/A Manitoba Freeliving Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic Website
Ontario Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture Unknown unknown ongoing OMAFRA has collaborated with the University of Guelph's Animal Health Laboratory and veterinarians from across Ontario to develop surveillance and species-specific animal health surveillance networks. This allows for detecting and monitoring potential antimicrobial use and resistance trends. It also contributes to surveillance data for the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS). Active | Passive N/A N/A N/A Ontario Government N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Website
Ontario Equine Neurological Disease 1/1/2003 unknown ongoing Surveillance in Ontario for West Nile virus from 2002 onwards with the addition of several other equine neurological diseases (Equine Encephalitis; Equine Herpesvirus; Rabies) as of 2008. Passive Equine Equine herpesvirus | Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) | West nile virus Virus Ontario Government N/A Ontario N/A Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic Website
Ontario Food Animal Surveillance Testing Unknown unknown unknown Samples of diaphragm and kidney tissues are collected and sent for testing for antimicrobial (drug) residues in food animals. Results obtained are evaluated against Health Canada's established guidelines. Tissues/specimens are collected from the carcasses of food animals for histopathologic testing to confirm/rule-out a diagnosis/disposition includes Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Scrapie. Active Sheep and Goats | Swine Bovine spongiform encephalopathy | Scrapie Prion Ontario Government N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Regulated Website
Ontario Registered Beekeepers Surveillance 1/11/2020 unknown ongoing "The provincial apiarist and apiary inspectors appointed under the act inspect for presence of honey bee diseases and pests, abnormal bee losses and issue permits to beekeepers." Active Honeybee N/A Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Virus Ontario Government N/A Ontario N/A Emerging | Regulated Website
Ontario Swine (pig) Health Surveillance Unknown unknown ongoing "The Lead Swine Veterinarian with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs visits participating breeding farms twice a year to complete a biosecurity inspection report and collect blood samples for testing as a third party/neutral party." Active Swine N/A N/A Ontario Government N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting Website
Lyme Disease Tick Surveillance Dataset Unknown unknown ongoing "In Ontario, data includes tick species, where the tick was collected, the time of year it was collected, and the age and sex of the person submitting. The Public Health Ontario Laboratory identifies the tick species, and blacklegged ticks are sent to the National Microbiology Laboratory for testing (Borrelia and Anaplasma)." Passive Human Anaplasmosis | Borrelia Bacteria Ontario Government N/A Ontario Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne Website
Ontario Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) surveillance in Farmed Cervids Unknown unknown unknown The government of Ontario collects statistical data of on-farm mortality and slaughter surveillance for Chronic wasting disease (CWD) in farmed cervids. Active Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion Ontario Government N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Quebec Raccoon rabies surveillance and control operations Unknown ongoing ongoing "Rabies program in Quebec. Surveillance program for rabies collect animals that have died or show symptoms of rabies in high risk zones for rabies testing. Control operations (vaccine bait; aerial spreading) have been conducted since 2006 to contain, reduce or eliminate raccoon rabies in a given territory." Passive Bat | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Equine | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Sheep and Goats | Swine Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) Virus Quebec Government N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale | Freeliving | Captive Zoonotic Website
Quebec PED and DCVP surveillance Unknown ongoing ongoing Surveillance program for rapid detection of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) Swine Delta Coronavirus (SDCV) in Quebec. Veterinarians who suspect a case of PED or DCVP can submit samples free of charge to the Saint-Hyacinthe Animal Health Laboratory for testing. Passive Swine Porcine epidemic diarrhea | Swine delta coronavirus Virus Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Quebec Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis 1/1/2010 ongoing ongoing "Veterinarians participate in the Eastern equine encephalitis virus surveillance provided by MAPAQ and its partners, helping to better prevent risks for horses and humans." Passive Equine | Human Virus Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food N/A Quebec N/A Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic Website
Quebec Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) ">2,900" samples/year Unknown ongoing ongoing "The CFIA's Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) Intensive Surveillance Program plays an important role in Canada's strategy to manage this condition. This program has so far successfully demonstrated the low rate of BSE in Canada. MAPAQ collaborates in this program and analyzes more than 2,900 samples each year." Active Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Prion Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Quebec Potomac horse fever 1/1/2010 unknown unknown "In Quebec, the first cases of Potomac Horse Fever (Neorickettsia risticii) were detected in 2010. The bacteria causing the disease is present in Quebec. The animal health laboratories provide testing for horses suffering from fever or having diarrhea. " Passive Equine Potomac horse fever Bacteria Quebec Government N/A Quebec N/A Emerging Website
Quebec Avian Influenza Unknown unknown ongoing "MAPAQ constantly monitors avian influenza at the provincial, national and international levels, including H5 and H7 subtypes. The RAIZO avian network monitors any abnormal situation that could arise in poultry farms. The Ministry's surveillance activities are accompanied by the dissemination of information and recommendations aimed at increasing vigilance and biosecurity on farms when the situation warrants. Surveillance in wild birds is carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks and the Quebec Center for the Health of Wild Animals." Passive Avian (Domestic Non-poultry) | Avian (Non-domestic) Influenza Virus Quebec Government N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Quebec Chronic Wasting Disease (Wild/Farmed) 6459 samples 2019 1/1/2009 ongoing ongoing "In Quebec, Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is monitored in farmed cervids by analyzing samples taken from cervid deaths on the farm. Quebec abattoirs that supply retail and restaurant establishments are subject to permanent inspection by a veterinarian. All animals are examined before slaughter and carcasses are examined after slaughter. In wild cervids, surveillance is carried out as part of the CWD surveillance program in wild cervids, which is implemented in collaboration with the MFFP in the areas most at risk." Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale | Freeliving Regulated Website
Quebec Scrapie 1/1/2003 ongoing ongoing "Since 2003, Quebec has set up a scrapie surveillance program that targets adult sheep and goats in provincial abattoirs and in the animal pathology laboratories of MAPAQ. This program complements that implemented by the CFIA." Passive Sheep and Goats Scrapie Prion Quebec Government N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Regulated Website
Quebec West Nile Virus Unknown ongoing ongoing "Veterinarians participate in the surveillance provided by MAPAQ and its partners, helping to better prevent the risks associated with WNV for horses and humans." Passive Equine | Human West nile virus Virus Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food N/A Quebec N/A Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne Website
Quebec Swine Influenza Unknown unknown ongoing "In Quebec, the pig network is monitoring swine influenza in pig farms. Veterinarians are invited to submit samples for analysis when pigs show signs compatible with influenza. Laboratories are able to identify the H1N1, H3N2 or H1N2 subtypes of the virus." Passive Swine Influenza Virus Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Emerging | Endemic | Regulated Website
Quebec Lyme disease Unknown ongoing ongoing "A surveillance system for Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases is in place. Ticks found on humans and, in certain regions of Quebec, on animals and in the environment are identified and tested for Lyme disease." Active | Passive Human Borrelia Bacteria Quebec Government N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne Website
Quebec White Nose Syndrome Unknown unknown ongoing The public are encouraged to report dead bats and bats flying in daylight. These are tested for White nose syndrome (Pseudogymnoascus destructans) where possible. Bat colonies are also monitored in order to track bat health. Passive Bat White nose syndrome Quebec Government N/A Quebec Freeliving Emerging Website
Quebec Winter Tick 3560 moose (2012-2017) 1/1/2012 unknown unknown "Since 2012, Winter tick (Dermacentor albopictus) are counted on moose slaughtered in the fall. Ticks are counted by spreading the hair at very specific places on the moose's coat." Active Cervid Ecto-parasite Quebec Government N/A Quebec Freeliving Emerging | Vector/Vector-borne Website
Yukon Mycoplasma ovi surveillance 6/1/2018 unknown unknown "Government of Yukon provides Mycoplasma ovi sampling kits to hunters in order to collect nasal swabs from harvested sheep, caribou and any other species of interest. Sample kits are also provided to farmers who wish to test their domestic sheep or goats. " Passive Camelid Mycoplasma pneumonia of sheep or goats (Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae) Bacteria Yukon Government N/A Yukon Smallholding | Freeliving | Captive Emerging Website
Import regulations for mink: Aleutian disease (Newfoundland and Labrador) Unknown Unknown ongoing "The animal health division is responsible for Aleutian disease surveillance. To support the growth of the mink industry, the provincial government has passed regulations under its Livestock Health Act which control the entry of mink into this province." Passive Mink Aleutian disease virus (Mink plasmacytosis) Virus Newfoundland and Labrador Government N/A Newfoundland and Labrador Commercial large-scale | Freeliving Regulated Website
French heartworm infection of dogs and foxes in Newfoundland Unknown Unknown ongoing The animal health division is responsible for French heartworm surveillance. Outside of Europe the island of Newfoundland is the only place in North America to reported to have this parasite Passive Dog | Mammalian (Domestic other) Ecto-parasite Newfoundland and Labrador Government N/A Newfoundland and Labrador Freeliving Emerging Website
Hantavirus in deer mice (Newfoundland and Labrador) Unknown Unknown ongoing The animal health division is responsible for Hantavirus surveillance in deer mice. Surveillance in Newfoundland and Labrador has shown that the virus exists on the southwest coast (Robinson's area). Active | Passive Human | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Hantavirus Virus Newfoundland and Labrador Government N/A Newfoundland and Labrador Freeliving Vector/Vector-borne Website
Ticks and Lyme disease (Newfoundland and Labrador) Unknown Unknown ongoing The animal health division is responsible for tick and Lyme disease surveillance in Newfoundland and Labrador. N/A Mammalian (Domestic other) Borrelia Bacteria Newfoundland and Labrador Government N/A Newfoundland and Labrador Freeliving Endemic Website
Winter Tick observation network 1/26/2019 unknown The Winter Tick Observation Network aims to map where, when, and on which host animals winter ticks are found throughout their range in North America. The project encourages the public to report sightings of winter tick (Dermacentor albopictus) including off and on host. Off host includes ticks and larvae visible on vegetation (grass, shrubs) from August to November. On host includes patchy hair on moose, elk, caribou, deer in March to May that might be due to winter tick infestation. Passive Cervid Ecto-parasite N/A N/A United States | Canada-wide Freeliving Emerging | Endemic | Vector/Vector-borne Website
Animal health visit and monitoring program for small ruminant farms (sheep) 90 animals 9/15/2017 1/1/2020 ongoing Surveillance for agents of abortion in sheep and goats, and education about prevention and control of abortions in small ruminant herds. Active Sheep and Goats Cache Valley virus | Campylobacter | Caseous lymphadenitis (Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis) | Chlamydia | E. coli | Listeria | Q fever (Coxiella burnettii) | Staphylococcus | Toxoplasma Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Virus Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting Website
BC Community Bat Program White Nose Syndrome surveillance ongoing BC government, in partnership with the BC Community Bat Program and others actively encourage voluntary reporting by the public of dead or sick bats for submission for white nose syndrome testing. Program Passive Bat White nose syndrome BC Community Bat Program N/A British Columbia Freeliving Regulated Website
Northwest Territories Chronic wasting disease Unknown unknown unknown Chronic wasting disease (CWD) has not been found in Northwest Territories (NWT) but surveillance in cervids is taking place in order to confirm that is not present. Active Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion Northwest Territory Government N/A Northwest Territories Freeliving | Captive Regulated
Yukon Chronic wasting disease 1/1/2001 unknown unknown "Voluntary submission of hunter-harvested or found dead deer, elk, moose, and caribou for Chronic wasting disease (CWD) testing in Yukon. Mandatory CWD monitoring program for game farmed elk." Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion Yukon Government N/A Yukon Freeliving | Captive Regulated
Saskatchewan rabies response program 265 animals (2019) 1/1/2001 ongoing ongoing "Rabies program in Saskatchewan. Private veterinarians across the province collect samples from suspect animals and submit these for rabies testing under direction from the program's Rabies Risk Assessment Veterinarian (RRAV). Test results are reported back to the submitting veterinarian and to the RRAV, who will ensure that test results are further distributed to all relevant parties." Passive Bat | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Equine | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Sheep and Goats | Swine Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) Virus Saskatchewan Government N/A Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale | Freeliving | Captive Regulated
Surveillance of Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) in Saskatchewan 1/1/2020 12/1/2020 unknown Project to investigate the prevalence of Coxiella burnettii (agent of Q fever) in ruminant abortions submission to PDS. Passive Sheep and Goats Q fever (Coxiella burnettii) Bacteria Prairie Diagnostic Services (PDS) N/A Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Other
Bovine brucellosis abortion screening pilot project 2/1/2020 7/1/2020 unknown The CFIA and participating Canadian Animal Health Surveillance Network (CAHSN) laboratories will conduct a pilot project to test blood and tissue samples from bovine cases of abortion or other reproductive for brucellosis (Brucella abortus). Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)_ACIA-11791439-v6-FAD_BRU_BSS_-_Abortion_screening_-_communications.pdf Active | Passive Bovine Brucella Bacteria Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Regulated
Manitoba hunting guide 2/1/2020 7/1/2020 unknown "Voluntary submission of hunter-harvested white-tailed deer samples in GHAs 17A, 26 or 36 for examination for the presence of brain worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis)." Passive Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Parelaphostrongylus Ecto-parasite Manitoba Government N/A Manitoba Freeliving Regulated
New Brunswick White nose syndrome 2/1/2020 7/1/2020 unknown The New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources is working with the New Brunswick Museum to track the spread of White nose syndrome (Pseudogymnoascus destructans and) to understand the impacts of the disease on bat populations. Passive Bat White nose syndrome New Brunswick Government N/A New Brunswick Freeliving Emerging
Nova Scotia swine herd health assistance policy (SHHAP) 2/1/2020 7/1/2020 unknown "A program to minimize disease in swine herds through herd inspections, recording of disease findings, adoption of procedures to reduce or eradicate common disease already present, and to prevent the introduction of other diseases." Passive Swine N/A N/A Nova Scotia Government N/A Nova Scotia Commercial large-scale Emerging | Endemic
British Columbia Interagency Wild Bird Mortality Investigation Plan 1/1/2006 9/1/2017 6/1/2019 "Since 2006 BC has participated in the national Wild Bird Avian Influenza Survey. Voluntary reporting by the public of dead birds. Priority is given to reports of 3 or more dead birds (any species) found in the same geographic location as well as species at risk, species highly susceptible to Avian Influenza (swans, ducks), raptors and water adapted bird species (waterfowl in general, shorebirds, water-associated birds). West Nile virus monitoring in BC has been discontinued as WNV does not appear to play a role in bird health in this province." Passive Avian (Non-domestic) Influenza | West nile virus Virus N/A British Columbia Freeliving Regulated
Canada and Alberta bovine spongiform encephalopathy surveillance program (CABSESP) 9/1/2004 9/1/2017 6/1/2019 Surveillance of cattle in categories with higher-risk to be more likely affected by Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). Active Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Prion Alberta Government N/A Alberta Commercial large-scale Regulated
Bovine tuberculosis (TB) surveillance in Alberta - wildlife 1/1/2016 9/1/2017 6/1/2019 Active and passive surveillance for bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) in wildlife in the province of Alberta. Active | Passive Cervid Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) Bacteria Alberta Government N/A Alberta Freeliving Emerging
Saskatchewan Johne's disease surveillance program 15283 Bovin (2014-2018) 1/1/2014 12/1/2023 6/1/2019 "Program for serological surveillance for Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis) in cattle, sheep and goats in Saskatchewan. "'sProgram2019.pdf Passive Sheep and Goats Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) Bacteria Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) N/A Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting
Saskatchewan tick surveillance 1/1/1997 12/1/2023 6/1/2019 Both active and passive tick surveillance are carried out in Saskatchewan. Surveillance began in 1995 and active surveillance for Ixodes scapularis (the black-legged tick) has been ongoing in Saskatchewan since 2009. Active | Passive Cat | Dog | Equine | Human | Insect (Non-honeybee) N/A Bacteria Saskatchewan Government N/A Saskatchewan N/A Emerging | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Nova Scotia Lyme disease surveillance 1/1/2002 12/1/2023 6/1/2019 Active tick surveillance and Borrelia testing of ticks (Lyme) was conducted in 2017 in collaboration with the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. The data collected through this field work is being used to estimate the infection prevalence of blacklegged ticks in the province and support the identification of emerging infections. Active | Passive Human Borrelia Bacteria Nova Scotia Government N/A Nova Scotia Commercial large-scale Vector/Vector-borne
Newfoundland and Labrador West Nile virus surveillance 1/1/2002 12/1/2023 6/1/2019 "The public are encouraged to report sick or dead crows, ravens, blue jays or gray jays in order to asses if testing is needed for West Nile Virus." Passive Avian (Non-domestic) West nile virus Virus Newfoundland and Labrador Government N/A Newfoundland and Labrador Freeliving Vector/Vector-borne
Yukon lead surveillance in wild birds 132 birds (2013-2018) 1/1/2013 12/1/2023 6/1/2019 Yukon program. When available livers from dead or euthanized sick birds such as Common Raven; Herring Gull; Bald Eagle; Golden Eagle; Trumpeter Swan; Tundra Swan are tested in order to determine lead concentration. Passive Avian (Non-domestic) N/A Toxin Yukon Government N/A Yukon Freeliving Contaminant/Hazard
Yukon Winter tick surveillance 113 hides (2011-2017) 1/1/2012 12/1/2023 6/1/2019 "Yukon program. The Animal Health Unit continues to monitor for winter ticks (Dermacentor albopictus) on cervid hides. Submission of elk hides is mandatory, while deer, caribou and moose hides are submitted voluntarily." Passive Cervid Ecto-parasite Yukon Government N/A Yukon Freeliving Emerging
Rabies (Newfoundland and Labrador) 1/1/2012 12/1/2023 6/1/2019 The animal health division is responsible for rabies surveillance in Newfoundland and Labrador. N/A Bat Pseudorabies (Aujesky’s disease) Virus Newfoundland and Labrador Government N/A Newfoundland and Labrador Freeliving Endemic
Tick Surveillance Program (Alberta) 2208 ticks 1/7/2020 ongoing ongoing "Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services conduct a surveillance program for ticks, monitoring the type and number of ticks that attach to companion animals, livestock and humans, and also those found in the environment. "
Avian trichomoniasis (Newfoundland and Labrador) 1/1/2002 Unknown ongoing The animal health division is responsible for Avian Trichomoniasis surveillance in Newfoundland and Labrador. N/A Avian (Non-domestic) Trichomoniasis Ecto-parasite Newfoundland and Labrador Government Candian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) | N/A Newfoundland and Labrador Freeliving Endemic
British Columbia equine disease surveillance and report Unknown unknown unknown A program to communicate the status of reportable and notifiable equine diseases in B.C, as well as to also communicate the status of equine non-reportable and non-notifiable diseases at the discretion of equine veterinarians. This information is intended for veterinarians, horse owners and other stakeholders in the provincial equine industry. Passive Equine Equine herpesvirus | Equine infectious anemia | Influenza | Influenza equine | Strangles (Streptococcus equi) | West nile virus Bacteria | Virus BC Government N/A British Columbia N/A Emerging | Regulated
OAHN Swine Small Scale Herd Postmortem Project- May 2020 5/1/2020 The Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) is funding a study at the Animal Health Laboratory (AHL) to identify disease issues in small scale swine herds in Ontario. The study provides an opportunity for veterinarians to investigate health problems in small herds. Postmortem exams and associated tests at the Animal Health Laboratory will be subsized for participating herds. Through this work, we hope to also establish and expand connections with small scale producers in the province. Project Active Swine Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) Ontario Smallholding Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Biosecurity | Emerging | Endemic | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Zoonotic
Identification of transmissible viral proventriculitis 18 animals 7/1/2019 unknown Surveillance for chicken proventricular necrosis virus in Ontario. The project was started due to increasing reports of proventricular dilation and thickened proventriculi on poultry farms. Active Poultry Chicken proventricular necrosis virus Virus Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting
Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) Poultry 1/1/2002 ongoing ongoing "CIPARS surveillance for AMR in chicken occurs at farms, abattoirs (cecal samples) and from retail meat. On broiler chicken farm, flocks are selected from BC, AB, SK, ON and QC. Samples are taken at chick placement and at age greater than 30 days. Sampling for AMR in turkeys occurs at farms and from retail meat. On turkey farms, samples are collected from BC, ON and QC. Samples are collected during the last week of growth once per year. Recovery of Campylobacter from ground Turkey was stopped mid-2016 due to low prevalence and to free up lab capacity. Poultry samples are e cultured for Salmonella, E. coli, and Campylobacter. Samples positive for Salmonella or E. coli had isolates tested for resistance to Aminoglycosides, Beta-Lactams, Folate pathway inhibitors, Macrolides, Phenicols, Quinolones, and Tetracyclines. Samples positive for Campylobacter had isolates tested for resistance to Aminoglycosides, Ketolides, Lincosamides, Macrolides, Phenicols, Quinolones, and Tetracyclines." Active Poultry Campylobacter | E. coli | Fowl typhoid (Salmonella gallinarum) Bacteria Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) N/A Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | Ontario | Quebec | Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in fecal E. coli and Salmonella of small poultry flocks in Ontario, Canada 245 animals 10/1/2015 9/1/2017 6/1/2019 A surveillance study to test bacterial isolates from small flock poultry cases submitted to the Ontario Animal Health Laboratory for antimicrobial resistance. Passive Poultry Campylobacter | E. coli | Fowl typhoid (Salmonella gallinarum) Bacteria Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) N/A Ontario Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance
Antimicrobial resistance in fecal E.coli and Salmonella isolates of small poultry flocks in Ontario, Canada 160 animals 7/1/2018 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 A prospective surveillance study to test bacterial isolates from small flock poultry cases submitted to the Ontario Animal Health Laboratory for antimicrobial resistance. Passive Poultry Campylobacter | E. coli | Fowl typhoid (Salmonella gallinarum) Bacteria Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) N/A Ontario Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance
Canadian Notifiable Avian Influenza Surveillance System not stated animals 7/1/2018 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 "Program to prevent, detect and eliminate the presence of H5 and H7 subtypes of notifiable avian influenza in Canada's domestic poultry flocks. CanNAISS is a joint initiative of government, industry, and Canadian farmers. It is one of a number of domestic and international surveillance initiatives for notifiable avian influenza. CanNAISS is designed to meet notifiable avian influenza guidelines from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and trade requirements from the European Union. CanNAISS provides information about notifiable avian influenza viruses in Canada's domestic poultry flocks so that Canadian poultry producers and processors can do business internationally." Active | Passive Poultry Influenza Virus Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Regulated
Infectious bronchitis virus/Shell-less egg syndrome 7/1/2018 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 "This project tests serum samples for monitoring of IBV, Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian encephalomyelitis (AEV) in Saskatchewan and Alberta. In addition, tissues from 3-5 cull birds are tested when available, and serum and tissue sampling are also tested in cases of shell-less egg syndrome." Active Poultry Avian encephalomyelitis | Infectious bronchitis | Newcastle disease virus Virus University of Calgary N/A Alberta | Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting
Reovirus in broiler chickens 59 Broiler farms 7/1/2018 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 This project collected serum from broilers at processing from 59 broiler farms in order to test for the presence of reovirus. The virus was isolated from collected tendons of infected birds and grouped into four distinct groups based on the virus's genetic make-up to develop a broiler breeder vaccine for control of reovirus infection. Active Poultry Reovirus Virus Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting
Tracking antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in E. coli in chickens 7/1/2018 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 Project to track and predict virulence and antimicrobial resistance in different strains of E. coli to better understand the cause of infections. Active Poultry E. coli Bacteria Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) N/A N/A Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance
Manitoba small poultry flock avian influenza program 7/1/2018 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 "Free veterinary examination of dead and live birds submitted by small flock owners (<1000 birds) to the province’s veterinary laboratory. The focus is on detecting the arrival of Asian strains of avian influenza in Manitoba but owners will get information regarding any disease problems diagnosed in the birds. Testing includes necropsy, histopathology, PCR testing for Avian Influenza A Virus (AIV) and Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILT). " Passive Poultry Infectious laryngotracheitis | Influenza Virus Manitoba Government N/A Manitoba Emerging | Endemic | Regulated
Ontario Hatchery and Supply Flock Surveillance 7/1/2018 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 "The Ontario Hatchery and Supply Flock policy assists in ensuring that Ontario hatchery supply flocks continue to serve as a reliable source of poultry, and that hatching eggs and Ontario hatcheries maintain high standards of sanitation and disease prevention. The Lead Poultry Veterinarian with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs oversees this monitoring program. This dataset includes test results from the disease monitoring program. Data is tested and collected by the program's joint partner, the Animal Health Laboratory with the University of Guelph." Active Poultry N/A N/A Ontario Government N/A Ontario Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting
Quebec Salmonella enteritidis 11239 samples 2019 1/1/1996 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 An integrated Salmonella enteritidis surveillance network was set up in 1999. It is currently composed of various partners who work in collaboration to ensure a high level of confidence in the safety of eggs for consumption in Quebec. Environmental samples are taken from all pullets and laying hens farms according to a sampling protocol recognized by the network partners. The samples are then sent to the MAPAQ Animal Health Laboratory to verify the presence of S. Enteritidis. Active Poultry Salmonella Enteritidis Bacteria Quebec Government N/A Quebec Commercial large-scale Food safety
Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) in poultry (Newfoundland and Labrador) 1/1/2012 12/1/2023 6/1/2019 The animal health division is responsible for Infectious Laryngotracheitis in poultry. N/A Poultry Infectious laryngotracheitis Virus Newfoundland and Labrador Government N/A Newfoundland and Labrador Commercial large-scale Endemic
Surveillance of Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) in Saskatchewan 1/20/2020 12/20/2020 3/22/2020
Veterinary Antimicrobial Sales Reporting (VASR) system 1/1/2018 VASR collects reports on the sale of veterinary antimicrobials considered to be important in human medicine. This information helps give a better understanding of the volume of antimicrobials available for use in animals, support surveillance and interpretation of patterns and trends of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), provide relevant information that could help assess the impact on human health from the use of specific antimicrobials in animals. The information received is made publically available. Surveillance includes collection, integration, analysis/summary, interpretation and dissemination of information. Program Active Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Finfish | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mink | Poultry | Sheep and Goats | Swine N/A Bacteria Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Canada-wide N/A Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance Website
Animal Health Unit, Department of Environment, Government of Yukon 1/1/2010 1/1/2030 1/1/2030 The Animal Health Unit based out of the Yukon was founded in 2010. It investigates issues in both domestic and non-domestic animals. Investigations can involve a wide variety of species including amphibians/reptiles, cattle, companion animals, birds, bison, fin and shellfish, horses, honeybees, small ruminants and swine. Investigation topics under mandate include animal welfare, contaminants/hazards, emerging diseases, food safety, governance, invasive species, regulated, and zoonotic diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is brought forward by a veterinarian, animal owner, laboratory or regional agency. Program | Disease investigation Passive Amphibian/Reptile | Avian (Domestic Non-poultry) | Avian (Non-domestic) | Bat | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Crustacean | Crustacean; Mollusc | Dog | Equine | Finfish | Honeybee | Insect (Non-honeybee) | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Mollusc | Poultry | Rabbit | Sheep and Goats | Swine N/A Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Parasite | Prion | Toxin | Unknown | Virus Yukon Government Yukon Commercial large-scale | Smallholding | Hobby/Pet | Freeliving | Captive | Other | N/A Animal welfare | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Food safety | Governance | Invasive Species | Regulated | Zoonotic
Health Assessment and Disease Investigation Services at University of Calgary 1/1/2008 12/31/2024 12/31/2024 The Health Assessment and Disease Investigation Services (HADIS) is based out of the University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM) and as of March 2021 is in the early stages of development, but has been preceded by the University of Calgary Disease Investigation Unit, operational since 2008. HADIS will investigate issues in both domestic and non-domestic animals with most investigations focusing on cattle, companion animals, cervids, horses, poultry, small ruminants and swine. Investigation topics under their mandate will include biosecurity, contaminants/hazards, emerging/endemic/production-limiting diseases, vector/vector-borne diseases and zoonotic diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is brought forward by a veterinarian. none Disease investigation Passive Amphibian/Reptile | Avian (Domestic Non-poultry) | Avian (Non-domestic) | Bat | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Equine | Human | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Poultry | Rabbit | Sheep and Goats | Swine Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Other | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis University of Calgary Alberta Commercial large-scale | Smallholding | Hobby/Pet | Freeliving | Captive | Other Biosecurity | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Endemic | Production-limiting | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
British Columbia Wildlife Health Program 1/1/1993 The British Columbia Wildlife Health Program investigates issues in wildlife only and will perform investigations on amphibians/reptiles (in partnership with ministry of environment), birds, bats, bison, cervids, insects, mink (in partnership with ministry of environment), rabbits, sheep and goats, and swine. Investigation topics under their mandate include animal welfare, contaminants/hazards, emerging/endemic diseases, food safety, foreign animal diseases, governance, invasive species, record of discussion, regulated diseases, vector/vector-borne and zoonotic diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a member of the public, veterinarian, laboratory or regional agency. Disease investigation Passive Amphibian/Reptile | Avian (Non-domestic) | Bat | Bison | Cervid | Insect (Non-honeybee) | Mink | Rabbit | Sheep and Goats Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Other | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis BC Government British Columbia Freeliving Animal welfare | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Endemic | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Invasive Species | Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
The Veterinary Science Unit at Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 1/1/2000 The Veterinary Science Unit (VSU) under the Animal Health and Welfare Branch part of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs was founded more than 20 years ago. The VSU consists of four staff members with the ability to bring in additional staff as needed. The VSU investigates issues in both domestic and non-domestic animals, investigations are focused on birds, bison, cattle, companion animals, finfish, horses, honeybees, insects, poultry, small ruminants and swine to name a few. Investigation topics under their mandate include antimicrobial use/resistance, biosecurity, contaminants/hazards, emerging/endemic disease, food safety, foreign animal disease, governance, production-limiting, regulated, vector/vector-borne and zoonotic diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a veterinarian, laboratory or regional agency and in specific instances the general public. Program | Disease investigation Passive Amphibian/Reptile | Avian (Domestic Non-poultry) | Avian (Non-domestic) | Bat | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Equine | Finfish | Honeybee | Human | Insect (Non-honeybee) | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mink | Poultry | Rabbit | Sheep and Goats | Swine Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Other | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis Ontario Government Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Ontario Commercial large-scale | Smallholding | Hobby/Pet | Freeliving | Captive | Other Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Biosecurity | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Endemic | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Governance | Production-limiting | Record of Discussion | Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Quebec Node 1/1/1992 The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative based out of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Montreal was founded in 1992. The Unit consists of five staff including two veterinarians and three technicians. The CWHC Quebec node investigates issues in wild animals only. There investigations are focused on invertebrates, finfish, amphibians/reptiles, birds and mammals. Investigation topics under their mandate revolve around the causes of mortality in fauna. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a veterinarian, member of the public, laboratory or regional agency. Program | Disease investigation Passive Amphibian/Reptile | Avian (Non-domestic) | Bat | Bison | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Sheep and Goats Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis Candian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) Quebec Freeliving | Captive Emerging | Endemic | Foreign Animal Disease | Invasive Species | Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Ontario/Nunavut Node 1/1/1992 \The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Ontario/Nunavut (CWHC Ontario/Nunavut) based out of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Guelph was founded in 1992. The CWHC Ontario/Nunavut node investigates issues in wild animals only. There investigations are focused on amphibians/reptiles, wild birds, bats, bison, cervids, crustacean, finfish, insects (non-honeybee), mammalian (non-domestic), mink, mollusc, rabbits, and swine. Investigation topics under their mandate include wildlife issues involving animal welfare, contaminants/hazards, emerging and endemic diseases, food safety, foreign animal disease, vector/vector-borne and zoonotic diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a veterinarian, member of the public, laboratory or regional agency. Program | Disease investigation Passive Amphibian/Reptile | Avian (Non-domestic) | Bat | Bison | Cervid | Crustacean | Crustacean; Mollusc | Finfish | Insect (Non-honeybee) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Mollusc | Rabbit | Swine Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Other | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis Candian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) Nunavut | Ontario Freeliving | Captive Animal welfare | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Endemic | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Alberta Node 1/1/2008 The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Alberta (CWHC Alberta) is based out of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at University of Calgary. The CWHC Alberta node investigates issues in wild animals only. There investigations are focused on amphibians/reptiles, bats, bison, cervids, crustacean, finfish, Honeybees, insects (non-honeybee), mammalian (non-domestic, other), mink, mollusc, rabbits, sheep and goats and swine. Investigation topics under their mandate include wildlife issues involving animal welfare, antimicrobial use/ resistance, contaminants/hazards, emerging and endemic diseases, food safety, foreign animal disease, invasive species, regulated diseases,  vector/vector-borne and zoonotic diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a veterinarian, member of the public, laboratory or regional agency. Program | Disease investigation Passive Amphibian/Reptile | Bat | Bison | Cervid | Crustacean | Finfish | Honeybee | Insect (Non-honeybee) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Mollusc | Rabbit | Sheep and Goats | Swine Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Other | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis Candian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) University of Calgary Alberta Freeliving | Captive Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Endemic | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Invasive Species | Other | Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Laboratory investigation on streptococcus in swine 3/15/2021 8/15/2021 8/15/2021 Streptococcus suis is one of the most common diseases in swine and associated with septicemia in younger pigs. Since 2019 the occurrence of Streptococcus suis in swine has been on the rise causing increasing calls for better tools in order to deal with this pathogen. The purpose of this project is to create more and better tools to deal with the problem. Project | Disease investigation Passive | N/A Swine Streptococcus Bacteria Canada West Swine Health Information Network (CWSHIN) Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Endemic
Poultry Flock Avian Influenza Program 4/1/2018 What is the Program? Free veterinary examination of dead and live birds submitted by small flock owners to the province’s veterinary laboratory. The focus is on detecting the arrival of Asian strains of avian influenza in Manitoba but you will get information regarding any disease problems diagnosed in the birds. The program covers the cost of the necropsy, histopathology, PCR testing for Avian Influenza A Virus (AIV) and Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) and any other diagnostic testing at VDS deemed necessary by the pathologist to complete the case. Who Should Submit Birds? Small flock and backyard flock owners in Manitoba can submit birds for examination. What Birds to Submit? Flock size must less than 1000 birds (large scale commercial poultry do not qualify). Chicken, turkey, duck, geese, game bird, and peafowl qualify. Parrots, songbirds, and other exotic or indoor companion birds do not qualify. Program | Disease investigation Passive Poultry Infectious laryngotracheitis | Influenza Bacteria | Other | Virus | Zoonosis Manitoba Government Manitoba Smallholding | Other Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Biosecurity | Emerging | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Centre d’expertise et de recherche clinique 1/1/2021 The Centre of Expertise and Clinical Research in Animal Health and Welfare based out of the University of Montreal Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is currently in the early stages of development. The unit will consist of various faculty members in the department of veterinary medicine. At present what species  topics/problems the unit will investigate has yet to be determined. It has also yet to be determined how and who will be able to contact the unit in order to start an investigation. Program | Disease investigation University of Montreal Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Quebec
Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) 1/1/1992

The Reseau d'alerte et d'Information Zoosanitaire (RAIZO) is a branch under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and was founded in 1992. The units consists of upwards of 40-50 staff under the various branches of RAIZO, central zoonosis coordination, animal welfare and food safety. RAIZO will investigate issues in various species including avian (domestic, non-poultry), bison, bovine, camelid, cat, cervids, dogs, horses, finfish, honeybees, humans, insects (non-honeybee), mink, poultry, rabbit, sheep and goats, and swine. Investigation topics under their mandate include animal welfare, antimicrobial use/resistance, contaminants/hazards, emerging and endemic diseases, foreign animal disease and production-limiting diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a veterinarian, laboratory or regional agency. The unit will take calls from the public but will generally direct them to their local veterinarian. Program | Disease investigation Passive Avian (Domestic Non-poultry) | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cat | Cervid | Dog | Equine | Finfish | Honeybee | Human | Insect (Non-honeybee) | Mink | Poultry | Rabbit | Sheep and Goats | Swine N/A Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Other | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis Quebec Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food | Quebec Government | Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) Quebec Commercial large-scale | Smallholding | Hobby/Pet Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Endemic | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Production-limiting | Regulated | Zoonotic
Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Atlantic Node 1/1/1980 The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Atlantic (CWHC Atlantic) based out of the Atlantic Veterinary College was founded in 1980. The Unit consists of five staff including two pathologists, two technicians, and one contractor. The CWHC Atlantic node investigates issues in wild animals only. There investigations are focused on amphibians/reptiles, wild birds, bats, cervids, wild mammals, mink, and wild rabbits. Investigation topics under their mandate include animal welfare, contaminants/hazards, emerging/endemic diseases, foreign animal disease, and vector/vector-borne diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a veterinarian, member of the public, laboratory or regional agency. Program | Disease investigation Passive Amphibian/Reptile | Avian (Non-domestic) | Bat | Cervid | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mink | Rabbit | Sheep and Goats Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Other | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) | Candian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) New Brunswick | Newfoundland and Labrador | Nova Scotia | Prince Edward Island Freeliving | Captive Animal welfare | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Endemic | Foreign Animal Disease | Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Alberta Disease Investigation Unit 1/1/2005 The province of Alberta Disease Investigation Unit based out of Edmonton was founded in 2005. The unit investigates issues in domestic animals only. Investigations are focused on domestic birds, cattle, bison, camelids, farmed cervids, horses, mink, rabbits, small ruminants and swine. Investigation topics under their mandate include animal welfare (assisting role only), biosecurity, contaminants/hazards, emerging diseases, endemic diseases (if reportable or by vet request), food safety (on live animals), foreign animal disease, governance, invasive species (related to production animals), production-limiting (under exceptional circumstances), record of discussion, regulated diseases, vector/vector-borne diseases (in production animals), and zoonotic diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a veterinarian, laboratory or regional agency. Program | Disease investigation Passive Avian (Domestic Non-poultry) | Bison | Bovine | Camelid | Cervid | Equine | Mink | Poultry | Rabbit | Sheep and Goats | Swine Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis Alberta Government Alberta | Northwest Territories Commercial large-scale | Smallholding | Hobby/Pet | Captive Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Biosecurity | Contaminant/Hazard | Emerging | Endemic | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Invasive Species | Production-limiting | Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Centre for Veterinary Epidemiological Research (CVER), Atlantic Veterinary College 3/1/2007 The Centre for Veterinary Epidemiologic Research (CVER) based out of the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) in Prince Edward Island was founded in 2007. The Unit consists of AVC faculty members, research associates and students. The CVER investigates issues in both domestic and non-domestic animals, most investigations are focused on cattle, companion animals, fin and shellfish, horses, small ruminants and swine. Investigation topics under their mandate include animal welfare, biosecurity, food safety, production-limiting, and vector/vector-borne diseases. Investigations are launched when an issue is identified by a veterinarian, animal owner, laboratory or regional agency. Program | Disease investigation Bovine | Cat | Cervid | Crustacean | Crustacean; Mollusc | Dog | Equine | Finfish | Human | Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Mollusc | Sheep and Goats | Swine Bacteria | Ecto-parasite | Fungal | Myxosporidian | Other | Parasite | Prion | Protozoan | Toxin | Unknown | Virus | Zoonosis Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) Commercial large-scale | Smallholding | Hobby/Pet | Other Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Biosecurity | Contaminant/Hazard | Endemic | Food safety | Foreign Animal Disease | Invasive Species | Production-limiting | Regulated | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Prevalence of selected pathogens in dogs recently imported from Asia > 44 (2019) 2/1/2019 8/1/2020 8/1/2020 Serum, whole blood, nasal swabs, and fecal samples are collected from dogs imported from Asia and tested for various diseases including Brucella; Dirofilaria; Distemper; Influenza; and Parainfluenza. Active Dog Brucella | Dirofilaria | Distemper | Influenza | Parainfluenza Bacteria | Virus N/A Ontario Zoonotic
British Columbia integrated surveillance of foodborne pathogens (BCISFP) 10/1/2006 9/1/2017 6/1/2019 Surveillance along the food chain in British Columbia for food-borne pathogens, focused primarily on Salmonella Enteriditis. Includes on farm, veterinary diagnostic laboratory and human health data. Program Active | Passive Poultry Salmonella Enteritidis Bacteria BC Integrated Surveillance of Foodborne Pathogens (BCIFSP) N/A British Columbia Commercial large-scale Food safety | Zoonotic
Companion Animal Surveillance Initiative 9/1/2017 6/1/2021 Historically, animals have been great sentinels for assessing human health risks, serving as accessible populations to monitor altered risk levels due to changing environmental drivers. While 50-60% of urban households in Canada contain at least one companion animal, there is currently no active surveillance of this population. The companion animal surveillance initiative invites veterinarians/veterinary clinics in Western Canada to become part of the surveillance network. Through quarterly surveys, veterinarians will be asked to provide information on cases of pathogens of interest, intervention usage and testing patterns. This data will be followed over time to determine trends; updates will be provided on emerging issues, timely infographics and reports on important topics for both companion animal owners and veterinarians. Article here summarizes the surveillance initiative: Program Dog Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) Alberta | Manitoba | Saskatchewan Hobby/Pet Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Surveillance Map 6/1/2021 Tracking cases of canine infectious respiratory disease in various parts of Canada. The data collected is primarily from self-reporting. Owners are those who work with dogs that are suspected of having upper respiratory tract infections are encouraged to report this at: Project | Other Passive Dog Adenovirus | Coronavirus | Distemper | Herpesvirus | Influenza | Mycoplasma | N/A Bacteria | Virus N/A Canada-wide Hobby/Pet Emerging | Endemic Map
eTick 9/1/2017 The citizen science project invites the public to participate in the monitoring of ticks in Canada by submitting tick photos on for identification by a professional. The identification results, combined with other data such as collection date and locality can then be consulted and mapped so that all users may visualize the information related to any/all species for any given year and/or geographical area. Access to is free and it is not necessary to contribute data in order to consult the database. Project Active Other Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) Alberta Government | BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) | Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) | Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Canada-wide Freeliving | Other Vector/Vector-borne
National Baseline Survey of Tick-borne Disease Awareness Survey to be launched in 2022 The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) has received funding via a directed solicitation from the Infectious Diseases and Climate Change Fund of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to conduct three surveys: veterinarians practicing in Canada, pet owners, and hunters and anglers. The surveys will access baseline knowledge of tick awareness and tick-borne diseases in Canada. The surveys are expected to launch in early 2022, with results available in March during National Tick Awareness Month. Information garnered through these surveys will be used to inform a national campaign with the goal of further educating the public and veterinary community about ticks and tick-borne illness. Project Other Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) Ecto-parasite Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) | Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) | Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Canada-wide Other Vector/Vector-borne Other
Tick-borne and Climate Change - 3 West 9/1/2019 The TCC-3W (Tick-borne and Climate Change - 3 West) project is a One Health initiative that is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The project aims to improve the evidence base and response capacity to address the impacts of climate change on tick-borne diseases in Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. As climate change begins to influence ecosystems around the world there are increased risks that certain types of ticks may become more abdunant or migrate into new regions and carry pathogens along with them that negatively impact humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. The primary goals of the project are to: 1) improve surveillance of ticks and tick borne diseases; 2) develop data models to explore the potential impact of climate on tick distribution and abundance and the occurrence of tick borne diseases; and 3) to enhance communication and collaboration across disciplines, agencies, and stakeholders in Alberta, BC, and Saskatchewan. This is a 3 year project and is led by the BC Centre for Disease Control in partnership with ten other organizations across Canada Project Other Mammalian (Domestic other) | Mammalian (Non-domestic other) Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) Ecto-parasite BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) Alberta | British Columbia | Saskatchewan Other Vector/Vector-borne Other
BC Centre for Disease Control COVID19 and Cats Study 45 Individual animal 4/1/2021 12/6/2021 The BCCDC and the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries are interested in examining the transmission of the COVID-19 virus to domestic animals, particularly household cats. Recent evidence of natural infections suggest that some animals can be infected and indirectly transmit the COVID-19 virus. This study will look at the risks of COVID-19 virus transmission from humans to cats and will help fill important information gaps on companion animals and COVID-19. Disease investigation Active Cat Coronavirus Virus BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) British Columbia Hobby/Pet Animal welfare | Emerging | Zoonotic
Bighorn sheep disease surveillance of M. ovi in Alberta 250 1/1/2017 Wildlife agencies and wild sheep advocates across North America are collecting critical information on pneumonia in wild sheep. Active testing for Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovi) bacteria as well as population monitoring are key components of this work. Alberta contributes to a regional effort across western Canada and U.S. to better understand sinus tumours in bighorn sheep. Results will: - improve effective management strategies to reduce risk - improve herd recovery following an outbreak track new M. ovi strains, which tend to be more lethal and associated with new sources of disease Active ongoing surveillance for M. ovi and early detection of the associated disease in wild sheep in Alberta began in 2017. Nasal areas of hunter-killed rams, research sheep or found dead animals are swabbed. Almost 250 sheep were tested since 2017. All were negative for M. ovi (updated April 2020). Disease investigation Passive Sheep and Goats Mycoplasma pneumonia of sheep or goats (Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae) Bacteria Alberta Government Alberta | Canada-wide Freeliving Emerging
Scrapie Flock Certification Program (SFCP) 1/1/2017 The SFCP is a national flock/herd scrapie risk management program for the Canadian sheep and goat industries and is available to any sheep or goat producer who agrees to meet the requirements of the program. The primary benefit to participating producers is the individual risk protection against scrapie in their flock/herd. Over time, producers will have their flock/herd recognized as being at a much lower risk for scrapie than the rest of the farms in the national herd. This recognition can increase trade opportunities within Canada and allows increased access to the import of live animals from the United States. The long term goal of the SFCP is to eradicate scrapie from the national flock and herd and to help open up market access for export. SFCP National Standards were developed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), in collaboration with the sheep and goat industries, as the basis for Canada’s on-farm, voluntary scrapie control program. It is intended to be a long-term, internationally recognized flock/herd scrapie control program. This program is unique as a CFIA approved disease control strategy. The CFIA only provides a guiding hand in ensuring that the program retains key requirements to meet international standards. The day-to-day management and verification is placed in the hands of industry. Once shown to be effective in mitigating the risk of disease, the SFCP may be used as a template for other industry-led TSE control programs. Other Sheep and Goats Scrapie Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Canada-wide Commercial large-scale | Smallholding | Hobby/Pet Emerging | Endemic
Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Programs 6/29/2020 Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Programs allow cervid owners and farm operators to demonstrate their herds are low risk for chronic wasting disease (CWD). Program participation means engaging in rigorous CWD surveillance and biosecurity measures. Enrolled herds are identified as a participants in Canada's national CWD compartment program of lower risk animals with respect to CWD. Requirements are defined in the national standards, which are developed and maintained by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). CFIA-accredited veterinarians supervise the activities. Provincial, territorial or industry organizations oversee and administer the programs. The CFIA audits the administering organizations. Herds of any cervids of the family Cervidae can participate in a CWD Herd Certification Program. The CWD Herd Certification Programs use biosecurity management practices to prevent CWD from being introduced into a herd. Given that CWD is difficult to detect and impossible to treat, biosecurity is the most effective tool at a cervid producer's disposal to keep CWD out of a herd. Program Mammalian (Non-domestic other) | Other | Sheep and Goats Chronic wasting disease Prion Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Canada-wide Commercial large-scale | Smallholding | Captive Emerging | Endemic
PISAQ Campaign 7: Integrated management of parasitism in small ruminant farms 6/1/2019 Ongoing This campaign has three stages. The first consists of an animal health, on-farm visit devoted to the integrated management of gastrointestinal parasitism in small ruminant herds. The second step consists of developing an intervention plan specific to the farm (planning visit). The third stage aims to support the implementation of the intervention plan by carrying out coprological analyzes and veterinary support (support visit) to study the results. Program Sheep and Goats Other | Parasite Ministère de l'Agriculture des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) Quebec Commercial large-scale | Smallholding Emerging | Endemic | Vector/Vector-borne | Zoonotic
PISAQ campaign 1: Prevention and control of abortions in herds of small ruminants 4/1/2018 Ongoing The campaign objective includes the prevention and control of abortions in herds of small ruminants and establishment of the main causes. Goals of the campaign: - Improve the knowledge of all stakeholders, in particular small ruminant breeders and practicing veterinarians, on the causes, diagnosis, prevention and control of infectious abortions. - Define and implement standardized protocols for the entire diagnostic process relating to infectious abortions (case definition, collection of samples on the farm, sending to the laboratory, etc.). - Understand the temporal and spatial distribution and incidence of abortions of infectious origin in small ruminant farms. - Guide future diagnostic needs with regard to infectious abortions in small ruminant farms. - Guide research and collective action priorities. This campaign consists of two parts, for a total of three possible veterinary visits per farm. The first component, comprising one visit, is devoted to raising awareness (animal health visit) and a second component, which includes two visits, consists of a monitoring program. For each visit, a form must be completed and sent to MAPAQ. The forms, reminders and other documents required for the various visits are specified in the table below. Program | Other Sheep and Goats Campylobacter | Enzootic abortion of ewes (Chlamydophila abortus ovine chlamydiosis) | Listeria | Q fever (Coxiella burnettii) | Toxoplasma Ministère de l'Agriculture des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) Quebec Commercial large-scale | Smallholding Emerging | Endemic
PISAQ Campaign 6: Milk quality and mammary gland health in small dairy ruminants 6/29/2020 Ongoing The objective of the program is to assess milk quality and mammary gland health in small dairy ruminants. Goals of the campaign: - Improve the knowledge of all stakeholders, in particular breeders and practicing veterinarians, on the mammary health of sheep and dairy goats and on the quality of the milk they produce. - Highlight the practices deemed to be at risk and promote the adoption of good milking practices in herds of small dairy ruminants. - Improve support for producers struggling with tank milk analyzes that do not comply with regulations (control of bacterial counts and somatic cell counts). - Orient research priorities and collective actions related to mammary health and milk quality in small dairy ruminant herds. Program | Other Sheep and Goats Bacteria | Other Ministère de l'Agriculture des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) Quebec Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Other | Production-limiting
Bulk milk testing in Saskatchewan 3/31/2022 SaskMilk in collaboration with Agriculture Saskatchewan yearly screen milk from dairy farm bulk containers for Johne’s Disease. In addition, milk collected from all dairy farm bulk containers is tested 4x/year for Samonella Dublin. Program Active Bovine Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) | Salmonella | Salmonella Dublin Bacteria Saskatchewan Government SaskMilk Saskatchewan Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting
Bulk milk testing for bovine leukosis in Quebec In Quebec, every herd is tested once every 3 years for bovine leukosis using bulk milk samples. This program is managed by the Dairy Producers of Quebec. Program Active Bovine Bovine leukemia virus Virus Dairy Producers of Quebec Quebec Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting
Quebec multi-pathogen bulk milk testing 3/31/2022 Quebec conducts a program to test bulk milk for the presence and count of E. coli, the presence and count of E. coli (shiga toxin), Campylobacter spp. presence, Salmonella spp. presence, Listeria monocytogenes presence, and Staphylococcus aureus. This program is operated by the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAPAQ). Program Active Bovine E. coli | Listeria | Salmonella | Salmonella Dublin | Staphylococcus Bacteria Quebec Government Ministère de l'Agriculture des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) Quebec Commercial large-scale Endemic | Zoonotic
Maritime bulk milk testing A collaborative program between the dairy marketing boards of PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Maritime Quality Milk, Atlantic Veterinary College conducts random screening twice per year for BVD and bovine leukosis in milk collected from dairy farmer’s bulk containers from each of the respective provinces. This is a voluntary diseases screening program. Program Active Bovine Bovine leukemia virus | Bovine viral diarrhea virus Virus Maritime Quality Milk Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) | New Brunswick Government | Newfoundland and Labrador Government | Nova Scotia Government | Prince Edward Island Government New Brunswick | Newfoundland and Labrador | Nova Scotia | Prince Edward Island Commercial large-scale Endemic | Production-limiting
Saskatchewan Goat Parasite Study 5/20/2020 12/21/2020 3/22/2020 Starting spring 2020, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture will be paying the laboratory costs associated with monitoring the internal parasite burden and/or treatment efficacy in Saskatchewan goats. This project is in collaboration with Dr. Fritz Schumann and Dr. Fabienne Uehlinger from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Any goat owner in Saskatchewan can participate, regardless of the number of goats owned. Each goat producer may submit fecal samples from their goats. The fecal samples have to be shipped by courier to Prairie Diagnostic Services Inc. at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (submitted through the goat producer or his/her regular veterinarian). All costs associated with the laboratory analyses (fecal egg count test) will be directly paid for by the Ministry of Agriculture. Materials for collection of fecal samples and shipping to the laboratory are at the expense of goat owners. Goat owners or their regular veterinarians are to collect individual, fresh fecal samples from their goats in accordance with recommended collection guidelines. Each submission to the lab must be accompanied by the official project submission form and a completed short questionnaire. Sampling instructions and the study’s information are also available on the Prairie Diagnostic Services website. For more information or to obtain collection guidelines for participation, please contact Dr. Fritz Schumann, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, by phone at 306-221-5861.
PISAQ Campaign 3: Biosecurity and Disease Control of Salmonella Dublin in Dairy Cattle Farms 4/1/2018 Ongoing Theme Importance of biosecurity in the fight against Salmonella Dublin. Objectives Raise awareness among farmers about Salmonella Dublin and the biosecurity measures to be put in place. Collect epidemiological, sociological or management data on breeders' knowledge about S. Dublin, on the presence of certain risk factors for transmission of the disease and on the various biosecurity measures applied on the farm. Promote the implementation of a biosecurity plan for S. Dublin. Program Other Bovine Salmonella Dublin Bacteria Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) Quebec Commercial large-scale Emerging | Endemic | Zoonotic
PISAQ Campaign 4: Animal health visits to cow-calf farms 9/1/2018 Theme Optimization of immune resistance in cow-calf farms. Objectives Raise awareness among cow-calf farmers of the factors associated with good animal immunity. Promote the adoption of recommended practices that optimize animal immunity, including through the establishment of standardized procedures for vaccination and colostrum management. Document the practices of breeders in relation to animal immunity in order to monitor their temporal evolution and determine priorities for action. Contribute to enhancing the role of advisor to the veterinarian in the adoption of good practices related to the health of cow-calf farms. Program Other Bovine Other Quebec Commercial large-scale Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Production-limiting
PISAQ Campaign 5: Antimicrobial Use in Swine Farms 5/1/2019 By offering free tests, this new program aims to support farmers and veterinarians engaged in a process of reducing or stopping the use of antibiotics. Theme Judicious use of antibiotics in pig farms. Objectives Assess the sanitary condition of the farm at least once a year. Improve knowledge of the health condition of the Quebec pig herd. Promote the acquisition by farmers of knowledge on antibiotic resistance. Engage and support the farmer and the veterinarian in an approach aimed at reducing the use of antibiotics and thus contribute to efforts to reduce the entire pig sector, in a proportion established at 20% by 2020, in particular by adopting or modifying breeding practices to optimize the overall health of animals. Program Other Swine Other Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) Quebec Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Production-limiting Other
PISAQ Campaign 8: Eradication of PRRS virus on pig farms 3/31/2021 Ongoing Theme Support for the eradication of PRRS (porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome) virus on pig farms engaged in a control group. Objective Contribute to collective PRRS virus initiatives by supporting farms that are part of a control group and are beginning a process to eradicate the PRRS virus. Program Active Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Virus Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) Quebec Commercial large-scale Animal welfare | Production-limiting
PISAQ Campaign 9: Implementation of biosecurity in dairy farms 12/4/2020 Theme Implementation of biosecurity in dairy cattle farms. Objectives Support the development and regular updating of a biosecurity plan adapted to the health context of each dairy cattle farm. Promote the implementation and continuous improvement of biosecurity measures in dairy cattle biosecurity plans. Program Other Bovine Other Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) Quebec Biosecurity
PISAQ Campaign 10: Implementation of biosecurity in fish farms 3/31/2021 Theme The importance of biosecurity in the prevention and control of farmed fish diseases. Objectives Raise awareness and knowledge among fish farmers and veterinary practitioners of appropriate biosecurity measures in fish farming. Support the implementation of biosecurity plans and record keeping by participating fish farms to control health risks. Establish a health portrait of the participating fish farms. To arouse the interest of veterinarians and veterinary students in the practice in fish farming. Program Other Finfish Bacteria | Other | Virus Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) Quebec Biosecurity
PISAQ Campaign 13: Prevention and control of enzootic bovine leukosis in dairy farms 2/16/2022 Ongoing Theme - Prevention and control of enzootic bovine leukosis in dairy cattle farms. Objectives - Educate dairy cattle farmers about the impact of enzootic bovine leukosis and the importance of implementing good governance and biosecurity practices to reduce the prevalence of the disease. Establish a realistic target for reducing the prevalence of enzootic bovine leukosis for each farm participating in this campaign. Decrease the prevalence of dairy farms positive for enzootic bovine leukosis in Quebec in order to limit the consequences on animal health and welfare and on the profitability of the dairy industry. Program Other Bovine Enzootic bovine leukosis (Bovine leukaemia virus) Virus Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO) Quebec Commercial large-scale Endemic | Zoonotic
The Stewardship of Antimicrobials by Veterinarians Initiative (SAVI) 1/1/2019 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 Development of a repository for antimicrobial use (AMU) surveillance information extracted and collated from prescription and dispensing activities undertaken by veterinary clinics and feed mills, to be operated by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA); Engagement of veterinary clinics and feed mills with existing prescription and dispensing databases to communicate the project value proposition and generate buy-in in order to support extraction of their available data in the appropriate format; and Engagement of off-the-shelf prescription software provider to conduct a pilot with veterinary clinics without sophisticated databases for prescription/dispensing activities. Project Passive Bovine | Cat | Dog | Equine | Poultry | Sheep and Goats | Swine Bacteria Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) N/A Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance
Canadian Dairy Network of Antimicrobial Stewardship and Resistance (CaDNetASR) 150 Farms 1/1/2021 3/31/2023 3/31/2022

Antimicrobial use data is collected annually on 150 dairy farms across Canada. On each farm, manure and bulk tank milk samples are taken and tested for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) levels. This data is used to assess the impact of AMR on animal health and animal welfare indicators, as well as trends in AMR of selected pathogens on dairy farms. Canadian Dairy Network of Antimicrobial Stewardship and Resistance (CaDNetASR) is a collaboration between Canada’s five veterinary colleges (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary; Western Canadian Veterinary College, University of Saskatchewan; Faculté De Médicine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal; Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph; Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island) and the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS).

Project Active Bovine Bacteria Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) | Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) | University of Calgary | Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance
Salmonella Dublin Investigation and Management Program (SDIMP) ~1200 samples per year 9/1/2021 Ongoing Ongoing The Salmonella Dublin Investigation and Management Program (SDIMP) aims to understand how S. Dublin is spread within and among farms in British Columbia. This information will be used to develop resources to help dairy producers and veterinarians to prevent and address S. Dublin. The program will collect information from bulk tank milk (BTM) samples, as well as other animal and environmental samples. Visit the program website for more information. Program Active | Passive Bovine Salmonella Dublin Bacteria BC Government British Columbia Animal welfare | Production-limiting | Zoonotic
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Surveillance Project 11/1/2022 Ongoing Ongoing The OAHN wildlife and companion animal networks have also received approval for a joint project to provide subsidized testing for cases in deceased domestic rabbits that meet certain high-risk criteria, as well as testing for high-risk cases from rehab facilities.  It is anticipated that submissions under this surveillance project will be accepted beginning in November 2022.  Watch and OAHN social media for more details. Project Active Rabbit Rabbit haemorrhagic disease Virus Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) Ontario Hobby/Pet | Freeliving Animal welfare | Emerging
Saskatchewan Small Holder Swine Health Surveillance Program The Small Holder Swine Health Surveillance Program project is funded in part by the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. The program provides free post-mortem examination of non-commercial swine to veterinarians, producers and owners in Saskatchewan through Prairie Diagnostic Services (PDS) in Saskatoon. The program covers the cost of necropsy, histopathology and other testing deemed appropriate by the PDS pathologist on a case-by-case basis. Program Active Swine Saskatchewan Government Saskatchewan Smallholding
BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance and Testing 2/13/2024 Ongoing Ongoing The Chief Veterinary Officer has issued General Order CWD2024-001 in response to the detection of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in B.C. The order applies to the boundaries of the Initial Response Area, defined as Management Units 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, and a portion of 4-22. This is south of and including Highway 3, which is situated between south of Cranbrook toward the United States border, west to the Moyie Range, and east to the Macdonald Range. The order applies to all cervids, including deer, elk, moose and caribou.

At this time, all persons who collect found dead cervids, or parts of found dead cervids in the response area must transport the collected cervids for testing and disposal to either the Central Regional Landfill - 600 Eager Hill Road or the Cranbrook Wildlife Office.

To arrange drop off at the Cranbrook Wildlife Office contact Ken Walburger, or 250-420-6371 (during business hours). Program Passive Cervid Chronic wasting disease Prion BC Government British Columbia Freeliving Emerging
Canadian Cow-Calf Health and Productivity Enhancement Network (C3H/PEN)

This surveillance network would be a critical resource that could be readily accessed to provide very timely and efficient answers to a variety of emerging research questions. The network would collect vital baseline information on a variety of topics that are important to the national beef industry. These topics could include issues such as:

  • Biosecurity practices
  • Economics of production-limiting diseases
  • Animal welfare practices
  • Antibiotic use
  • Herd nutrition and management                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

The research will also utilize prevalence estimates and production parameters in economic models to measure the economic losses associated with various diseases in the Canadian cow-calf industry. Program Active Bovine Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) Canada-wide Commercial large-scale | Smallholding Animal welfare | Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance | Biosecurity | Production-limiting
Canadian Feedlot Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Program (CFAASP)

CFAASP Objectives:

  • Provincial and National Estimates
  • Provide representative provincial and national estimates of AMU and AMR in the Canadian finishing feedlot cattle sector.
    Monitor Trends
  • Monitor trends in AMU and AMR in the feedlot over time and in the context of changes to veterinary policy and practice.
    Periodically Investigate
  • Periodically investigate associations between AMU and AMR on a targeted basis in relation to emerging AMR trends.
    Assemble Industry Data
  • Assemble collated industry data for assessment of the potential public and animal health risks of AMU to help preserve antimicrobial effectiveness and ensure antimicrobial stewardship. Program Active Bovine Bacteria Canada-wide Commercial large-scale Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance