Surveillance Initiatives Library

The Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System Surveillance Initiatives library provides an inventory of active and recently completed animal health surveillance initiatives across Canada.

The library can be searched using the drop down menus, as well as by date or key word.

CAHSS members can add new initiatives by using a fillable form.

Surveillance type - (0/1)
  • Active
  • N/A
  • Other
  • Passive
  • Unknown
Animal type - (0/1)
  • Amphibian/Reptile
  • Avian (Domestic, Non-poultry)
  • Avian (Non-domestic)
  • Bat
  • Bison
  • Bovine
  • Camelid
  • Cat
  • Cervid
  • Crustacean
  • Crustacean; Mollusc
  • Dog
  • Equine
  • Finfish
  • Honeybee
  • Human
  • Insect (Non-honeybee)
  • Mammalian (Domestic, other)
  • Mammalian (Non-domestic, other)
  • Mink
  • Mollusc
  • N/A
  • Other
  • Poultry
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep and Goats
  • Swine
Disease agent type - (0/1)
  • Bacteria
  • Ecto-parasite
  • Fungal
  • Myxosporidian
  • N/A
  • Other
  • Parasite
  • Prion
  • Protozoan
  • Toxin
  • Unknown
  • Virus
  • Zoonosis
Organization - (0/1)
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
  • Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AAF)
  • Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (AARD)
  • Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP)
  • Alberta Government
  • Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network (AVSN)
  • Animal Health Canada
  • Animal Health Canada Working Group
  • Animal Health Canada Working Group (AHC-WG)
  • Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC)
  • BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)
  • BC Community Bat Program
  • BC Government
  • BC Integrated Surveillance of Foodborne Pathogens (BCIFSP)
  • Canada West Swine Health Information Network (CWSHIN)
  • Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (CARSS)
  • Canadian Cow-Calf Surveillance Network (C3SN)
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
  • Canadian Intergrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS)
  • Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network (CSHIN)
  • Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA)
  • Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS)
  • Candian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)
  • Cedar Coast Field Station
  • Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases (CEZD)
  • Council of the Chief Veterinary Officers (CCVO)
  • Dairy Producers of Quebec
  • Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
  • FoodNet
  • Manitoba Government
  • Maritime Quality Milk
  • N/A
  • New Brunswick Government
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Government
  • Northwest Territory Government
  • Nova Scotia Government
  • Nunavut Government
  • Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN)
  • Ontario Government
  • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
  • Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF)
  • Ontario Veterinary College (OVC)
  • Ontario Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA)
  • Prairie Diagnostic Services (PDS)
  • Prince Edward Island Government
  • Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
  • Quebec Government
  • Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
  • Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO)
  • Saskatchewan Government
  • Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA)
  • United States Government
  • University of Alberta
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Montreal Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Veterinary Epidemiology and Surveillance Network (VSEN)
  • Western Canadian Animal Health Network (WeCAHN)
  • Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM)
  • Yukon Government
Other organization - (0/1)
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
  • Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AAF)
  • Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (AARD)
  • Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP)
  • Alberta Government
  • Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network (AVSN)
  • Animal Health Canada Working Group
  • Animal Health Canada Working Group (AHC-WG)
  • Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC)
  • BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)
  • BC Community Bat Program
  • BC Government
  • BC Integrated Surveillance of Foodborne Pathogens (BCIFSP)
  • Canada West Swine Health Information Network (CWSHIN)
  • Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (CARSS)
  • Canadian Cow-Calf Surveillance Network (C3SN)
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
  • Canadian Intergrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS)
  • Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network (CSHIN)
  • Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA)
  • Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS)
  • Candian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)
  • Cedar Coast Field Station
  • Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases (CEZD)
  • Council of the Chief Veterinary Officers (CCVO)
  • Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
  • FoodNet
  • Manitoba Government
  • Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ)
  • N/A
  • National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council (NFAHWC)
  • New Brunswick Government
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Government
  • Northwest Territory Government
  • Nova Scotia Government
  • Nunavut Government
  • Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN)
  • Ontario Government
  • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
  • Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF)
  • Ontario Veterinary College (OVC)
  • Ontario Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA)
  • Prairie Diagnostic Services (PDS)
  • Prince Edward Island Government
  • Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
  • Quebec Government
  • Réseau d'alerte et d'information zoosanitaire (RAIZO)
  • Saskatchewan Government
  • Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA)
  • SaskMilk
  • United States Government
  • University of Alberta
  • University of Calgary
  • Veterinary Epidemiology and Surveillance Network (VSEN)
  • Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM)
  • Yukon Government
Region - (1/2)
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Canada-wide
  • International
  • Manitoba
  • N/A
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • United States
  • Yukon
Production system - (0/1)
  • Captive
  • Commercial, large-scale
  • Freeliving
  • Hobby/Pet
  • N/A
  • Other
  • Smallholding
  • Unknown
Topic - (0/3)
  • Animal welfare
  • Antimicrobial Use/ Resistance
  • Biosecurity
  • Contaminant/Hazard
  • Emerging
  • Endemic
  • Food safety
  • Foreign Animal Disease
  • Governance
  • Invasive Species
  • N/A
  • Other
  • Production-limiting
  • Record of Discussion
  • Regulated
  • Vector/Vector-borne
  • Zoonotic
Media Type - (0/1)
  • Abstract
  • Article/ infographic
  • Case Study
  • Figure
  • Map
  • Memo
  • Minutes
  • N/A
  • Other
  • Podcast
  • Presentation
  • Report
  • Scientific publication
  • Table
  • Unknown
  • Veterinary Advisory
  • Video
  • Webinar
  • Website
  • Workshop
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