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Equine influenza in Ontario, June 26, 2024

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)

Equine influenza has been confirmed in Simcoe County, Ontario. A five year old Quarter Horse mare is one of several horses displaying signs of respiratory disease in the barn which range from fever, nasal discharge, mildly swollen lymph nodes and occasional cough. Horses returned from a competition a few days before the index case (a gelding) was examined for nasal discharge and slightly enlarged lymph nodes. Streptococcus equi testing was negative in the index case and the influenza-positive mare. Within the next 48-72 hours several of the horses in the barn developed similar respiratory signs. Some of the horses are vaccinated for influenza and have more mild signs. Infection with equine influenza was confirmed in the one mare on June 26, 2024.

The facility manager is working with their veterinarian and has implemented voluntary animal movement restrictions and infection control procedures.